Missy Mischief Page 18
“We know we can’t both marry you officially, but we can have our own little ceremony, one that bonds us for life.” Pierce smiled, taking her other hand. “Because -if you’ll have us- neither Ollie nor I ever want to let you go.” He wiped a tear from Kat’s cheek, so tender in the way he only ever seemed to be with our little princess.“Will you marry us?” We both said in unison, something we hadn’t planned but happened so naturally that it almost surprised me. Kat’s eyes widened again, fanning her face in excitement, the tears flowing down her cheeks in delight. Her gaze went from me, then to Pierce, then took one last look at the ring, which was clutched in her hand that was resting on her belly -right where our child was growing. “Yes!” She said raising her arms in excitement, like she wanted to hug the both of us at once but wasn’t quite sure how to pull it off. “Yes! A million times yes!” She cried out. I took the ring from her hand and quickly slipped it on her finger, ignoring how my own digits were shaking. It seemed like her mind finally blinked back online and her arms flew around our necks, holding us tightly to her.
I almost couldn’t think over the rush inside of my head. She said yes. She said yes!
Kat kissed me softly, my whole body responding to her simple touch, and then she kissed Pierce. It was so sweet, so perfect, warm and soft and wonderful as she tenderly went back and forth for a few moments. I couldn’t say when the transition happened, but after a few blissful minutes, the pressure of her lips changed as kissed me deeply.
Oh. How strange that, after everything we’d been through, it was a simple kiss that could take my breath away. It was kiss of true love, so intense, so raw and open that I wanted to bury myself in it and never let go. I was over the moon, elated she had accepted our proposal, and I was never going to let her go. We would never let her go. We stood up, still holding her hands, and walked down the hallway towards my bedroom. I wanted to feel all of her, to cement our bond by burying myself in her body until all three of us were one.
“Oh my goodness,” Kat breathed dizzily as we walked. “You did all this?”
“Of course. You deserve all of this and more.”
And she did. I didn’t feel like we had done that much. The hallway was lit with tea lights and rose petals were scattered across the floor like breadcrumbs, leading to the bed. As for the room itself, it was a glow with candles, rose petals all over the thick comforter, a romantic gesture I hope she enjoyed.
Just like I had imagined she would, Kat gasped as soon as the full room was within her sight. It was a musical sound, sweet and sighing, and then she was all over me.
And I was most happy to oblige.
She carefully unbuttoned my shirt, little fingers working deftly along my clothing. Pierce was standing behind her, holding her around the waist while kissing her neck. Once I was bare, she leaned in and kissed me as she exposed my chest, tossing my shirt softly to the floor. Each press of her lips felt like a little lick of fire, working up my body to set my entire mind ablaze with desire.
God, I wanted to make every moment last as long as it could, but I also wanted to rush forward until I was buried so deep within her that I couldn’t even think. It was an intense conflict of desires, and I could only stand there for a moment and take in everything she doled out as my brain scrambled to put itself together.
Pierce was on track, however, and helped her unzip her dress, letting it fall to the floor so that her bare chest was illuminated in the candlelight. I walked her over to the bed, our lips locked once again into an intense battle of fiery passion. I laid her down gently, working my mouth down from hers and slowly traveling towards the crook of her neck. She let out a contended sigh, biting her lip as I laved my attention there before making my way down her chest.
But my hands weren’t idle as I tasted her, kissed her, pressed my lips into her as if they could brand her with everything that I was feeling. I cupped her breasts, massaging them gingerly, before my fingers went to those sensitive nipples of hers. I could feel her look down at me, shuddering under the ministrations of my tongue, weaving her hands into my hair like she wanted to hold me to her forever.
I was fine with that.
It was tempting to stop right then and there, to just plunge into her without reprieve. I knew that she would be already so hot and slick for me, my greedy little Princess, and the thought was a heady one.
But there would be time for that later. Ostensibly, the rest of our lives for rushed, frantic fucking. That it and of itself was dizzying and I found myself groaning into her soft stomach as I continued on.
No, I wasn’t going to rush. I was going to take my time and revel in every moment. After all, she could only say yes to our ring once.
I worked my way down her sternum and to her stomach then down below that. I kissed everywhere tenderly, her fingers gently gripping my hair tighter as I went. It made me think of how responsive she always was, and that if I played my cards right, soon her thighs would be wrapped around my head and those little hands of hers would be pressing me into her dripping core with all her strength.
I made another almost pained noise into her and Peirce chuckled, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking about. Funny, some people would think that we were the ones in charge, the ones who called the shots and said what happened when, but the reality was that we were both wrapped around Kat’s fingers. And I loved it. I absolutely loved it.
I kissed lower, finally making it to my hollowed destination. She was so pretty, already slick and waiting for me. I took a moment to look up at her, and her eyes sparkled in the candlelight, hungrily awaiting for me to take a taste.
Well who was I to keep a lady waiting?
I opened my mouth as she watched, using my tongue to part her lips, laving a broad lick across her before delving deeper. She let out a satisfied moan as I slowly worked her with my tongue, the taste of her musky and so entirely her that I wanted to drown in it. I lapped at her, working my way to that sensitive bundle of nerves right at her apex, but not touching it yet. No, I wanted to build her up. To have her shaking and begging for it before I finally helped her lose her mind.
“Ollie, Ollie please,” she whispered as I continued to move against her, one of my fingers coming up to slide into her slickness. I knew it wasn’t enough for her, that she wanted two of my digits and for me to curl them just so, but I denied her. Maybe it was cruel, but I loved feeling her squirm, hearing her whine, and the pay off was always worth it.
She lasted several moments, to her credit, before she let out a particularly heady moan and her hips bucked up, trying to press into my face. I loved teasing her, but there was only so much self-restrained in the world, so finally I moved up to that sensitive little nub and sucked gently. The response was instant. Her whole body tensed, her legs trembling on either side of me, before her legs moved to clamp themselves against my head. Close, we were so close. The soft mews coming from her made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I was going to marry the sexiest, most gorgeous little goddess, and my heart felt full in that knowledge. I waited until she came, a beautiful display as usual. I felt her contract around my fingers, her moans becoming frantic, desperate little gasps that were almost like music notes. They chimed, one right after another in a crescendo, until she practically was wailing with her release. I kept going until the cries quieted and she shifted a bit back from overstimulation. There were times to push that, to have her so deep in pleasure that she cried, but it wasn’t the time for it.
“That’s my Princess,” I practically growled before I made my way back up her body, kissing in a lazy, gluttonous trail. When I was fully over her, it made me that much harder to see the hazy, fucked-out expression on her face, eyes half lidded, and cheeks flushed. She was so sexy, so damned sexy. It shouldn’t have been possible, and yet there she was under me.
I was hard to the point of it almost hurting, and I positioned myself at her entrance before looking to her face. I loved how she looked whenever I entered her, like she was surprised at h
ow it felt even though we had done it multiple times. Even though she’d had both of us inside her at one point.
She was so perfect.
I might have said as much out loud, because she smiled at me as I slipped in, Pierce sitting on the edge of the bed near us and holding her hand. We were like two opposite points, his calm comfort and strength while I was the primal need that needed to take, take, take.
It took quite a bit of self-control, but I didn’t let myself just rut into her like an animal, although some base part of my brain wanted to take her so strong and hard that the bed itself broke. Instead, I slowly plunged in and out, kissing her plump lips as I rocked, her delighted noises making me throb and pulse inside her. I wanted her to feel how much I loved her, how much I cared, I wanted my body language to show that I was with her no matter what. Our tongues intertwined as I got close, my fingers trailing down and finding her that little nub and stroking alongside of it as I picked up speed a little. “Oh god Ollie!” she cried, “…s-so good! Baby I’m going t-to…” She trailed off and her eyes fluttered, the feeling of her throbbing against me, of clamping down on me, sending me over the edge myself. It was a blinding rush of ecstasy, all sparking and burning and oh so, so, so perfect. It felt like every muscle in my body was drawn up to an impossible point, then relaxed all at once in a rush so powerful it could make any man an addict.
As I completed inside her, I stroked her soft hair, nuzzling her nose with mine and showering her with kisses. She was a firebrand, and yet so soft, so welcoming. She was our haven in the storm, one that reminded us to be human. To love and to cherish. I didn’t know if I could ever repay her for all that she had given us, but I wanted to. Desperately.
“I love you Kat Grace,” I whispered, looking into her eyes. “I love you too, Oliver Price.” She smiled sweetly, kissing me once more. It was oddly chaste after everything we had done, and yet it was so right. A tender reminder that what we had went beyond our physical compatibility. That there was a solid bond that went right down to our souls.
We locked eyes for a few moments, exchanging kisses and smiles until Peirce made a soft noise of interruption. We both looked over at the man, who was still clothed, who seemed pleased at how round one had gone.
“Got room on your dance card for another?” he asked with a wry grin that reminded me of why we were friends.
Kat let out a soft giggle. “Get over here,” she winked, giving him the come-hither finger. He looked to me and I nodded, pulling out of her before taking his place at the side of the bed holding her hand.
Pierce (Friday)
I traded places with Ollie, already so hard in my pants I was surprised that the button wasn’t popping. Seeing the two of them together, locked together, made me hunger for her even more than I already was.
I didn’t know what I could have possibly done to deserve a love like her or a best friend like Ollie, and yet here we were, all together and sharing in intimate moments that were only supposed to be shared in groups of two.
Oh well, I was never much one for convention.
Kat kissed me softly, smiling as she unbuttoned my shirt and then my pants, letting me free from their hold. She marveled over me, making me feel a bit like a god. Sure, I worked hard on my body, but not enough to warrant the amorous look she gave me, the kind that went right down to my heart and grabbed me tight. Of course, I was staring right back, studying every facet of her, as if we were really drinking each other down in for the first time.
My fingers trailed down her soft sides before gripping her bountiful hips. I loved the way my digits sank into her a bit, the cushion of her so luxurious. It beckoned me, the headiest of drugs, and I just wanted to feel her forever.
And I was going to be able to. She wanted to wear our ring. She wanted us. The idea was maddening in all the best ways and once more I was rushed with utter need for her.
I didn’t waste much time. After watching her writhe and moan under Ollie, I needed to mark her too. To keep the balance in our strange little relationship of three.
I peppered her with kisses, positioning myself. My length was practically weeping for her already, hot and heavy in my hand as I aligned myself. She gasped as I buried myself into her, slowly rocking my hips back and forth as she swallowed me up. She was so soft, so heated inside. Tight in the right way, and not with the nervous fear that some people mistook for a good thing. She was perfect for me, in every way, like we had all been made for each other.
My Princess vibrated with every thrust, bucking into me now and moaning wildly. She didn’t hold anything back, unabashed in her desire for me and what I could do for her. It didn’t matter that Ollie had her coming just a handful of minutes before; she always wanted more. Needed both of us to feel happy and whole.
God, she was ours. She wanted to marry us. Despite the fact that my mind was basically repeating that as a mantra, it hit me again and a new wave, so I learned down and kissed her. I kissed her with everything I had, our mouths locked into passionate choreography. She sighed into me, all contented and high on what I was doing to her. That fueled me, pushing me to rock harder, to angle myself in just the right way to hit that spot in her that always had her tumbling apart. I found it, and the sound of her coated my brain in a surge of warm static. I gripped her harder, rolling so that she was posted on top of me, flushed from her forehead down to where we were joined, looking like Aphrodite in all of her glory.
My hands slid up her frame, feeling her, confirming that everything in the moment was real, squeezing handfuls as I went. I reached her beautiful, overflowing breasts, pretty pink nipples already peddled in the low light. I teased them, pulling ever so slightly, pinching in irregular rhythms. Each time I changed it up, her breath hitched, her perfect, plump mouth falling open to let sinful noises escape her mouth.
“That’s it,” I urged, coaxing her higher. “Ride me. Take it.”
And she did. She pumped me in an out of her, gripping my arms to use me for leverage. I loved watching how her body bounced, moved so thoroughly by our coupling. It was certainly a show, one that I would never get tired of seeing.
She rocked, her bottom lip going between her teeth. It was like she was using me as a sex toy, and for a few moments, I wanted to be nothing but that for her. The feelings kept building, the sensations, and soon my hands were on her hips, helping pick her up and then slamming her right back down on me, burying myself so deep inside of her it was a wonder I didn’t hit something I wasn’t supposed to.
“Fuck!” she cried, head thrown back, let me look at the long column of her neck. She loved when I went out of check. When I took her and made her feel all that I have. She loved the roughness of me, the hard edges. She didn’t need me to keep myself in check. To hold myself back.
And it was that thought that pushed me harder. It was why I planted my feet on the mattress and pumped up into her, still using my hands to bring her down on me with unchecked fervor.
“Don’t stop, oh please, d-don’t stop! I’m so close!”
Stopping wasn’t anywhere on the plan. I kept going, harder and harder, more and more desperate. The two of us joining, falling into each other until she let out a sharp cry of release.
That was my trigger. Suddenly everything that I had been holding back rushed forward, nearly overwhelming me. No one had ever made me feel like she did. Made the rest of reality slide away until there was only her, me and the intense pleasure lighting up my brain. I tensed, and then I was coming inside her. It felt like my entire soul was pouring out of me, caught up in the impossible blissful torrent.
Coming down to earth wasn’t a quick process, and I realized that I was breathless and covered in sweat once I did return to the real world. Glancing to Kat, I saw that she was equally debauched, hair wild and face pink, her cheeks having darkened to red. What a vision. If I had any artistic talent, I would have stopped and painted her right there.
Except I didn’t have any talent, and the three of us were ob
viously well and thoroughly fucked. We collapsed on the bed, Ollie and I cuddling our fiancée, kissing her, surrounding her with our love. It was warm and drowsy, drenched in happiness and contentment. In satisfaction. I felt like I could lay there together, swaddling her in our affection, but after a while, Kat sat up.“I was really fucking stupid to think that we could all just fool around.” She shook her head, a slight smile on her face. Fear struck my heart, invading my body and gripping my chest with a ruthless grasp.
She couldn’t already be regretting it, could she? The love that I had felt when coupled with her was so real. So genuine. Surely that couldn’t have been faked!
“What do you mean?” Oliver queried nervously, apparently caught off guard as much as I was. “What I mean is, I was dumb to think that I would pull you both into bed, and this would never mean anything.” She chuckled, “I had a crush on you both since I was young, and I really never thought it would ever go anywhere. You were daddy’s friends; I was his daughter. I was too young for the both of you. You know, fun for a good lay but too silly and naïve for anything else. Anything real.” She laughed a little louder, sinking back to the bed and rubbing her silken legs over our rougher ones. “And even after I got you both in bed? I figured it wouldn’t be serious. With everything against us, and with all the controversy, I never thought this was possible.”
“And yet that never stopped you from trying,” I remarked tenderly, stroking the side of her face. The relief flooding me was intense, and maybe later I would be able to laugh at myself for jumping to the worst conclusion.