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Missy Mischief Page 17

  We slept all together, the three of us, in the huge Presidential Suite bed. Taking turns cuddling and holding onto Kat as she cried and cried, until no more tears would come out. She eventually fell asleep, exhausted from not only the days adventures, but her fathers’ venom. I would give anything to take that pain away from her. It was very apparent by Oliver’s actions he had felt much the same. I woke up first, showering on my own, trying to think of a way to make everything okay. Kat would be lost without her father, even with us two taking care of her, and I couldn’t allow that. Plus, Michael was still my best friend, no matter how many malicious things he had said to Oliver and I last night. We had deserved it. It couldn’t be an easy thing for him to see, his best friends galivanting out with his daughter, and coming to find out all this by just merely walking into a restaurant. What a horrifying discovery that must have been for him. He must have felt betrayed and so hurt and angry. But there had to be some way to make everything right. I ordered everyone a big breakfast buffet, unsure of what everyone would want. I ordered the full monty- eggs made in all different ways, bacon, Canadian bacon, sausage, home fries, hash browns- you name it, I got it. Oliver awoke shortly after the food arrived, his nose alerting him to the feast ahead of us. “Nice work, Pierce.” Oliver beamed, grabbing his clothes and heading to the bathroom. A short shower later, he was back and impeccably dressed as always. Kat was the last one to wake up, her emotions a battlefield, her frown was so heartbreaking. She wrapped herself in one of the plush robes in the linen closet of the room, sitting down at the small table with an obviously heavy heart. You could see the storm raging in those pretty little eyes of hers, and I would’ve gave anything to stave it off. “Would you like any food, sweetie?” I smiled, grabbing a plate for her. She shook her head, curling up in the chair, her knees to her face. My own face fell, realizing that a good breakfast wasn’t going to help as much as I had hoped. I sighed and walked towards the bathroom, and found Oliver close by, looking out the window with a glass of orange juice. He looked forlorn as well, and I asked him to come into the sitting room of the suite with me. I didn’t want Kat to get anymore upset, and so I thought it best to have the talk about Michael man to man. She had already been through enough.

  “We need to speak with Michael as soon as possible.” I whispered to him.“Agreed. It’s unfortunate that Michael had to come upon that with no warning, but at least the cat is out of the bag.” Ollie murmured back, shrugging his shoulders. “All we have to do now is convince Michael to accept all this.”“You do realize who you are talking about, right?” I chuckled. “Michael is a bear of a father. Overprotective as hell. Though last night it seems, he showed a bit of buckling in that department, the way he ripped into Kat…” I sighed. We went back to the table area, where Kat still sat, sipping a glass of orange juice. I felt a little better seeing her at least have something to drink. We both sat down at the table with her, and she looked up at us, giving a weak smile. “Listen sweetie,” I started, putting an arm around her. “Why don’t you stay here, and we will go talk with your father.” “Wouldn’t it be better for us to all go as a family?” Kat suggested. I eyed her weirdly and she shook her head. “I mean as couple? Trouple? Triplet?” I tried really hard not to laugh, but then she began laughing at herself and we both followed suit. “Honestly, it would probably be a lot better if we went on our own.” I sighed. “He is already pissed off. And after last night…I really think it would be best if we talked to him, men to man.” Kat nodded in agreement. “I could at least help by finding out where he is from Delia.” She said, picking up her phone and dialing the office. She put her on speaker phone so we could all hear her. “Kat,” Delia groaned, “Whatever the hell you did, you better start saying your prayers for forgiveness now because he is on a damn rampage.” “I know, I know.” Kat sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. “Where is he?”“He’s locked himself in his office.” She said exasperated. “He has been an ass all morning and quite literally told me to tell anyone who was looking for him to go…” She paused, as if looking to make sure he wasn’t listening. “To go eff themselves.”“Well that sounds lovely,” Kat snickered. “Well, I will figure it out. Don’t worry your pretty little head Miss Delia.”“You better,” She snipped, “Because one more time he goes off on me for your shit? I’m going to let the man know! You hear me?”“Crystal clear, Delia. I’m on it.” Kat said sing songly, trying to boost Delia’s spirits. But Delia had already hung up. “Well you heard her.”“This ought to be a blast,” I said flubbing my lips.

  We both hopped into my car, speeding through the city, until we finally made it to Michael’s office building. As we made it to his floor, Delia ran to the elevator as soon as it opened, shaking her head. “Ya’ll have got to get out of here,” She warned, “He doesn’t want to see anyone.”“I think I’ll risk it, Miss Delia.” We gently pushed past her, and I headed towards Michael’s door, giving it a firm knock.“Whoever is there better fucking find someone else to annoy, because today is not the day!” He yelled from behind the door. “Apparently you didn’t get the damn memo.” Sick of Michael’s nastiness, I looked to Ollie who nodded. It was now or never. I pushed the door open to find Michael sitting at his desk, drinking straight out a bottle of rum. He looked up at Ollie and I and his expression soon went from upset to enraged in no time. The scowl on his face could kill a weak man, but not me. I was already ready for a knockdown, drag out fight. And if that’s what it took to come to some sort of agreement? I’d do it. Though I hoped deep down it wouldn’t come to that. I cared about Michael very much, and I still hoped we could be friends after all this.

  “You two have a lot of gall to come around here, especially after last night.” He said, putting down the bottle of rum. “Whatever you two have to say? Not fucking interested. Fucking traitors.”

  “Michael, neither Ollie nor I ever wanted to do anything to fuck up our friendship with you,” I apologized profusely, hoping her would hear me out. “Nothing was planned, it just happened. And once the ball got rolling, we were all powerless to stop any of it.”“Just shut the fuck up before I throw you out that goddamn window,” Michael laughed, picking the rum back up and taking a swig. “You are both predators. Fucking disgusting predators!” Michael spat. “Kat is my little girl!”“She is not a little girl anymore, Michael, she’s a woman.” Oliver gently pointed out. Michael got up from his chair and got nose to nose with Oliver. I had known Michael for many years, I had even seen him in fights, but I had never seen him this enraged. Michael’s fists were balled up, and I stepped in between them, shielding Oliver. “We love her, Michael!” I shouted in his face. “We love her and we are not letting her go, no matter what you say or try to do.” Michael glared right into my eyes for what seemed like a lifetime. I stood there, my heart beating fast, my breath catching in my chest. I was so sure we were all about to be in a brawl, and the thought of that made me feel like I was about to break. Instead, Michael rolled his eyes and turned away from me, heading towards the door. He stopped short; his path blocked by someone else. I sidestepped slightly so I could see who it was, figuring it was Delia coming in to stop all the ruckus. But instead of Miss Delia standing there, I was surprised to find it was Kat herself standing there. Her eyes full of a fire and fury of her own.


  Kat (Tuesday)

  My father turned away from me, walking back to his chair. He lifted the rum bottle in front of him to his lift, muttering under his breath. I could see that he was upset, and it was understandable he would be. Hearing from his best friend that they were both in love with me, let alone we were all together, had to be a tough thing to hear for a single father. Especially one who had lost his wife while his daughter was so young, helped her grow up all on his own to be a trailblazing woman. Only to have her be dating both of his best friends. His world must feel upside down right now. I left my expression soften, first feeling anger when I got there, but replaced it with a mindset of trying to be more understandin
g. “It must be nice, wallowing in all that betrayal over there Kat.” My father laughed, “I should have known when you said that weird shit on Christmas that something was amiss.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe that any of you would do this to me.”“Our love doesn’t have anything to do with you, Dad.” I shook my head in disagreement. “No one set out to betray you! What happened between Pierce, Ollie and I doesn’t have anything to do with you! It’s all separate from our relationships from you.”“You can’t possibly be in love with both of these bozos!” Michael snickered, “That’s absolutely insane, you know that, right?”“At first, it was all silly little crushes on them,” I explained, looking to Pierce and Ollie who listened intently. “But then as things got more intense and escalated, I realized that we all just fit together…” I paused, my father looking at me like I was a disgusting monster. “I can’t choose between the both of them, because I need both of them! It’s not about greed it’s about actual love that I feel for them! I already tried to choose Daddy and I just….can’t.” I looked back at the two men I loved, and they smiled back at me, nodding in approval. “I love them both so much.”“You’re fucking crazy Kat!” Michael shook his head angrily, gritting his teeth.“I know you are upset, and I understand why. This is all a lot to take in. None of this has been easy for any of us.” I stepped towards my father’s desk and leaned against it. “But let me remind you that you wanted me to find someone I love, like you loved mom. And I, being the lucky girl I am, found two men who love me. Ready and willing to take care of me and give me all the love in the world. Doesn’t that mean something?”“Your mother and I didn’t have the deck stacked against us, Kat.” My father frowned, tears starting to well in his eyes. “Do you really think the world is going to accept your relationship? Accept all this ludicrousness?” “We have a lot of money and influence, and that will go a long way towards buying acceptance.” Pierce chimed in from behind me, stepping in next to me.“And if they never accept it?” Pierce chuckled softly, “I don’t give a rats ass, Michael. It’s still worth it to me. Kat is worth everything to the both of us.”I walked from the other side of the desk and stood in front of my father, who was now in tears. “I wanted a normal life for you Kitty Kat,” He cried, putting his head in his hands. “Where did I go wrong?”“You didn’t,” I smiled. “You have always been a wonderful father, and I need you now more than ever.” I took his hand gently and placed it on my belly. “You’re about to be a grandfather.” My dad’s eyes went from dead to animated in second, the gravity of my words smacking into him like a freight train. I nodded and smiled. “I want you to be in my child’s life, just like I want their fathers to be as well.” I turned to look at Pierce and Ollie, who were notably in shock. “Oh my god sweetie!” My father chirped, pulling me in tightly for a hug. “I don’t understand all this. All the feelings or your relationship, I may never get it, to be honest…” She sighed, looking up at me. “But if this is what makes you happy? You have my blessing.” He smiled, looking over to Pierce and Ollie. “Pierce and Ollie are both good men, and I know deep down they would do anything to make you happy, and now a baby!” He looked to all of us, still in shock, but the anger drained from his face. “And that is all I could ever ask for.” His face got serious for a moment, changing back to a scowl. “And anyone who tries to ostracize them or cause trouble? Will have a very pissed off Michael goddamn Grace on their hands!” I smiled and held my father tight, so relieved and happy that everything seemed to be turning out okay after all.“I love you, so much Dad.”“I love you too Kitty Kat.” He said, snuggling me tight before leaning in to talk to my pregnant belly.


  Ollie (Friday)

  I was more nervous than a dog at the vet’s office. I had gone out of my way to try to make sure that everything went off without a hitch. My private chef was in the kitchen, whipping up some of the most delectable food from across the globe. Entrees and desserts would be abundant at the dinner table tonight, and hopefully it would impress Kat when Pierce brought her over. I made sure the table was set perfectly, the most beautiful tablecloth I could find on the table, in Kat’s favorite pink. As the chef arranged the display and then departed, I could feel my anxiety heighten. This was our moment. I straightened then re-straightened my clothes, leveled pictures, examined everything for dust, swept the floor- anything that could be even perceived out of place I made sure was meticulously checked, double checked and triple checked. This night was, dare I say it, the most important night of our lives, and everything had to be flawless. I was a complete mess until the I heard the car park out front, and then the distinct sound of doors opening after that. It was almost surreal. Everything was coming together, about to happen, the balance of our lives totting on a precipice that I desperately wanted to throw myself over but also was absolutely terrified too.

  Pierce walked in, the absolute mad lad, hand in hand with Kat, who looked absolutely stunning in her little pink dress. He looked much calmer than I felt, and I took comfort in that, slipping back into my leadership presence.

  “Come with me,” I smiled, still a ball of nerves on the inside. I brought them to the dining room and Kat’s eyes went wide at the full table spread before us. There was French cuisine, Indian, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Japanese- any food category you could think of, there was something there representing it. There were tons of desserts too on a smaller table behind the bigger one, treats from all over the planet. “Wow!” Kat gasped in the soft candlelight, “This is amazing, Ollie!” “Thank you! But I can’t take the credit for everything. Jack pulled this one off. I just set the table.”“Well hats off to Jack for his cooking skills, and the table looks lovely.” She smiled warmly and kissed me, and I could feel my anxiety start to melt away. She had that effect on me, my little Princess. Able to make the rest of the world fall away until there was only her, resplendent and warm right at the center of it. God, she was something else, wasn’t she?“Well thank you my dear,” I grinned, and pecked her right back.

  Always on the move, Pierce helped Kat to her seat, and we chatted about the different foods while we dug in. She quickly started rattling off about all the new floorplans of the apartments in the project we were creating, effervescent and bright. It was like she commanded attention, and I was all too happy to give it. She deserved that and so much more.

  As she happily chittered away, I gave Pierce a look, and he nodded to me, smiling widely. Everything was going according to plan. We just had to it continued going exactly the way we wanted.

  Like usual, the minutes rushed by, all slippery, warm and perfect. There was no worry about deadlines or profits. There was just out little group, all caught up in each other. Nothing outside of the moment.

  Eventually, however, we were through the dinner portion of the night, and it was time for dessert.

  “I hope you left room for sweets!” I joked, going over to the dessert table and grabbing each of us slice of King cake. “Well, where are your servings?” She laughed, “I’m eating for two now, so all that is mine!” We all laughed as I set one of the plates down in front of her, pretending to set the other one down as well before sliding it over to Pierce. Of course, my princess pouted a minute, all red-cheeked and adorable, but that quickly faded as she took a bite and smiled.

  “Mmmmm, this is so good!”

  “I’m glad you like King cake, I had this one made special just for you.” She gave me an odd look but continued to enjoy the treat.

  “What do you mean by that?” She asked between making yum sounds and swallowing. “Aren’t you boys going to grab a-”


  Kat’s eyes lit up, and she pulled out a baby, which was customary for a King Cake to have.

  “Oh my god! I found the good luck baby! I could use a good omen.” I waited, letting her revel in the moment, knowing that eventually she would notice what I wanted her to. But then she looked a little bit closer and her eyes widened in astonishment. Around the little babies neck was an engagement ring.<
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  It sparkled in the candlelight, an emerald heart in the middle, and two diamond hearts on the side. The blazing green gem to symbolize Kat, and the other two to represent us. The trio of hearts, altogether as a family, just like Kat, Pierce and me.

  She gasped, my beautiful, perfect girl, and pulled the ring off the baby, looking at Pierce and I in surprise. “T-this is so beautiful!” She teared up, inspecting it in the soft light. The show made my heart swell in my chest, my throat constricting. If I was anybody else, I might have cried too, but I was entirely caught up in the rush of everything.

  She had our ring, so now all that was left was her choice. Were we just a fling? A fun experiment that hadn’t been meant to go as far as it had? Would putting so solid a label on it kill us dead in the water?

  “Well, it’s for a beautiful lady,” I said, getting up only to take a knee to her right. “It’s for the woman we want to spend the rest of our lives with,” Pierce said, taking his place at the other side of her. She gazed at both of us there, her eyes wide and watery, holding her hands to her mouth as tears of joy welling up. She was a sight, that was for certain, and one that I wanted to be able to stare at for the rest of my life.

  The rest of our lives.“You don’t mean…”“Loving you is the single greatest achievement of my life, Kat. And I would say Pierce would agree, wouldn’t you, mate?” I beamed, taking her hand, pulling it away from that beautiful face of hers. The face I wanted to carve into my memories permanently. My heart was pounding in my chest, my emotions bubbling up within me like a fierce storm. I wanted her to say yes. I desperately wanted her to say yes, but I was almost afraid of what might happen if she did. Was it possible to have too much? Because having her want us, the both of us, seemed like it was too much to ask for.