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Missy Mischief Page 9
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Page 9
Ollie (Friday)
Today was the day we would meet with Terrence, my realtor friend I had met way back in the day, and for all of us to tour the best properties he could find. Terry was the best in the business, at least in Louisiana, and he was the best man for the job. As I arrived in a less extravagant car, my gray Lexus, I saw Renn was already standing there. It was nice to see that someone else appreciated being timely like I did. It was always better to be early than to be late. I walked towards her and she smiled, dressed in a black business suit, her dress shirt pink with a pink pocket square. Her pink hair was slicked back, and she had makeup on this time, her septum ring still in. Although she didn’t look like the normal business mogul, she sure did clean up good. But even then, she paled in comparison to Kat. “Seems like I am also a bit pathological when it comes to being on time.” She laughed.
“Woman after my own heart,” I laughed. “Do you have any preferences among the properties that we will being touring today, Miss Renn?” “My only preference is to find the best space to house as many families in need as possible.” She grinned, seeming to be very excited about the days events. “I want to help everyone that I possibly can.” I respected her Moxy and drive. It was clear than Renn loved her job and took it very seriously, and I wondered to myself if that passion was stemmed from a tragedy in her own life, much like the struggles in mine. However, I didn’t want to intrude. She has the right to keep her secrets to herself, if any, just like I kept mine from everyone else except Michael. Well, except for the events of Christmas Eve.
As we chit chatted, Pierce arrived, greeting Renn but ignoring my existence completely. With Pierce’s New York hot headedness, I half expected him to cause a scene right then and there, but he didn’t. I was relieved honestly, because I couldn’t quite guarantee that one word from his sorry mouth wouldn’t cause us to come to blows. I wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable with what happened the other night between the three of us, but at least I had been a man and stayed to deal with the aftermath, rather than run out on Kat like some lily-livered pansy. Terry got there next. He sauntered over, dressed in a navy-blue suit that hung a little loose off his very chubby frame, suspenders holding up his pants. He was incredibly southern through and through, and his accent was much thicker than mine. He was Michael’s age, with salt and pepper hair slicked back, and having around twenty-five years of experience under his belt. We were sure to succeed with him in our arsenal. As we waited for Kat, Renn attempted to make awkward small talk with the three of us. But even hearing Pierce’s voice set my blood on boil, and I could sense that Pierce felt the same way. It was hard to feign pleasantries like usual after he an out the other night, let alone my jealousy taking a ride on the same boat. I hadn’t wanted to share her, I had wanted her all for me, and then the fucker had the gall to just disappear on her. I sat there and held Kat as she had cried that night, confused as Pierce dressed and ducked out without so much as a word. She trembled and shook, so distraught by his behavior, blaming herself. I had tried to assure her that cowards like Pierce just take off when it gets hard, but Kat wasn’t having any of it. It took a while, but Kat finally arrived, fashionably late as usual, this time with a brand-new Mercedes in hot pink. Renn ran over to greet her and the two giggled as Renn marveled over Kat’s ride. Kat was fussing with herself in the rear-view mirror, seeming to wipe her eyes. I couldn’t tell what the girls were talking about, but Kat nodded, reapplying her mascara before she got out of the car. Renn rubbed her back a little, and Kat mouthed thank you as they made their way to us.“Sorry I’m a little late,” Kate sniffled, “I had a little trouble finding the place, I’m not familiar with the area.” She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, itching it. She looked down at the ground, putting her hand on her hip. She looked up at Terry briefly, who regarded her with momentary concern, but seemed to let it go. Which in the big scheme of things was for the best. I mean how could she even explain what she was probably upset about. “That’s quite alright.” Terry looked around, “We’re all here now then?” Terry smiled, eyeing Kat suspiciously. It had to be odd for him to work with someone who looked like Renn, let alone a young woman who drove a sparkly pink SUV.“Yes sir, we are.” I said, “And we are all ready to give this our full attention!”“Absolutely!” Renn chittered, “This project is going to save so many lives! We are stoked to have someone of your caliber helping us along the way.”Renn winked at Terry, and his eyes softened a little. A little bit of blush appearing on the apple of his voluminous cheeks. “No Michael huh?” Terry laughed, “I figured this would be his thing, seeing as how his names also on the project.”“I’m representing us this time, Terry.” Kat mumbled, seeming to be distracted. Her eyes looked puffy, as if she had been crying. I wanted so badly to comfort her, but now wasn’t the time. Right now, it was time for business. Finding the best property for the project was a key point in this whole thing, and I wanted to make the most of our time and Terry’s.
As we toured the first property, Renn and I handled most of the questioning. The usuals- what is the maximum occupancy for the building? How many units? Questions about what is up to code, what isn’t and what work need to be done. Terry answered them like the spitfire he was, talking fast like an auctioneer trying to bid off and expensive painting. I tried my best to concentrate but it was hard, especially with Kat looking so out of it. Maybe I could get her to talk to me before she left. We hadn’t spoken since Christmas eve, save us texting each other a quick Merry Christmas. The first property was assuredly big enough, but it needed quite a bit of renovations. It was something I had expected from any of the properties we looked at, in all honesty, but the cheap price of the property had to be worth it in the end. I didn’t want to pay out the ass for renovations on a place, especially if it was going to cost more than it was worth, but this was a case of philanthropy- and I would have to swallow my pride down if it came to it to make it work. The tax benefits themselves would outweigh the cost within in the first year for each party involved if done right. It wasn’t like we were buying luxury buildings like I was used to. These were run down, needing a lot of work, but Renn looked at it like it was an amazing masterpiece waiting to be created. You could really see how much of a heart the girl had, and it really warmed your own to see someone so dedicated to a cause. We all hopped into our respective vehicles and headed to the second property, which was much bigger but needed a lot more work. And by a lot more, it needed a full overhaul. Gutting it out, re-rerunning the electric completely and the plumbing. But Renn danced around, painting pictures in our minds of what could go where. How we could space the apartments, her vision for how it would all look. She was definitely a woman on a mission, and if she wasn’t so into her own little world and projects, I would have loved to hire her in my own company. But even with Renn’s amazing vision being laid out before us, the tension was still immense between the three of us, especially when we all had to squeeze into an outbuilding to take a look at the foundation. Being stacked so close to Kat, with Pierce on the other wise, just echoed the events of Christmas Eve. As I looked at the two of them, Pierce uncomfortable and Kat seeming to be distressed, it was apparent that they both felt it too. As Terry and Renn squeezed out first, I motioned to Pierce to take leave first. “After you, Pierce.” I snarled, “You can lead the way out, especially since you are so used to walking out of situations you aren’t equipped to handle.” Pierce stared daggers into my soul and stalked outside.“What the hell, Ollie?” Kat growled, glaring at me as she walked out after him. I almost felt ashamed at letting my temper get the best of me. Pierce already got my goat all the time with his stupid comments and underhanded jokes, but now we were in a different place entirely. It wasn’t like this was an easy situation for any of us, the stakes were high for all involved, and so were our emotions. As I got outside, Pierce and Terry were talking, and I caught the end of his well-placed dig as I wiped at my pants, dust and dirt were on my fingers.
“Take a
load of that,” Pierce snickered, “Just like a Southern Dandy to be quick to avoid anything that would get their hands dirty.” I felt my face get hot with anger, my first instinct to go after him like a pitbull, ripping his damn face off. But that wouldn’t be good for business, and I tried my best to just take a deep breath and accept the retort. I had opened my mouth first after all.
I looked to Kat, who glowered at both of us, obviously up to her wits end with all of the bullshit. And I couldn’t blame her. Her feelings were hurt by Pierce, for one, that had been made apparent on Christmas eve. But, as a young woman, she must’ve been so confused as to how she even feels about all of it, especially with Pierce and I back at each other’s throats. As we all stood there, looking between each other, the tensions between the three of us seemed to get kicked up another notch.
Kat (Friday)
It was like being in middle school, scouting out the final property with the boys, Renn and Terry. The snipping back and forth was like listening to two little boys squabbling over their crush, which normally wouldn’t be so bad for me but seeing as how we were out on professional business, they needed to act like professionals. Though I supposed this is why the old saying went “You don’t shit where you eat", and I was having some regrets about doing just that. Not that I would want to trade what happened with the three of us for anything, it was an amazing night, though it had ended rather abrupt and dubiously. I was still up in arms to how I even felt, crying all the way here, not wanting to have to see Pierce especially after he bolted like a v-card chaser after a prom night romp. But even then, I pulled up my big girl panties, re-primped myself in the rear view mirror, and came out there to work. Sure, I wasn’t in the best of moods, but that could have been about anything. Renn had already tried to pry it out of me, but I didn’t think it would be appropriate to talk about, especially with her. She had already made it very clear she thought I was immature after everyone had left her office but her and I during the initial meeting. That’s all I needed was for her to get a load of this.