Missy Mischief Read online

Page 7

  I sped off towards the mall to meet Elle, my thoughts all over the place. My life was becoming and enigma, wrapped in a bunch of conundrums, and I had to solve them all. Both guys asked me to stop even though I know for sure they both wanted me, which was upsetting. Both of them made my desire boil, and I didn’t want to give that up. They were also too obsessed with how it would affect dear old dad. Which was a considerate thing to think about, given they all had been friends so long, but I was an adult now. I could make my own decisions, and they were adults too. He would have to understand. And third, and honestly most important, if I could get one of them on board with me, who would I even choose?As we sat at the food court, having a late lunch, I spilled the beans to Elle who sat there and listened with great interest. I even gave her all the juicy details, which sent her spinning.“Christ, they are even hotter than I thought,” She swooned. “Whoever you don’t pick, can I have them?” I looked at her funny and laughed. “I don’t even know who I am going to choose, Elle, that’s the thing.” I sighed, “If I can get them into it, I don’t know who I would choose. Pierce is intense and fiery, and Ollie had this passionate fire to him…they are both so delicious and I just cannot choose.” I put my head in my hands and pouted at her. She giggled at me, sipping her soda. Then, as if a fire was lit underneath her, she stood up.“What if you didn’t choose?” She grinned. I looked at her, jaw slacked and gobsmacked. “Excuse me?”“No, like seriously, hear me out!” Elle sat down in the chair next to me, whispering. “Why not go for the big score?”“I don’t know Elle, I mean, I kind of feel bad already doing stuff with both of them this week…but I couldn’t help myself! I just want them both so badly!”“So, you don’t even know if one, both or either of them will go all the way with you because of your dad,” She chuckled, “So why not just go for broke? I mean there’s nothing to lose there. If something happens? Great. If not? Find some other silver foxes to fuck.”“What did you have in mind?” I asked blushingly. She laughed and weaved this excellent plan of wrapping me up in a box and offering herself to both of them at once at a private shindig at the Billionaires Club. I looked at her like she had two head. That plan was absolutely coo coo bananas…wasn’t it? “And besides, if they both see the other one giving into temptation? They’ll be more likely to go for it.” She finished. This plan seemed so elaborate and crazy…that it just might work. Fortune favors the bold after all and that was my forte. We went to the lingerie shop and picked out a lacey, see through little piece for me to wear as I popped out of the box. We also went to the store and got cardboard and all the things needed to rig up the box, including a bow.We took off to the Billionaire’s Club later that night when no one but the bartender was still there, and it was there that we put together the box that would launch our scheme into action in a private sitting room.


  Ollie (Tuesday – Christmas Eve)

  An invite on beautiful cardstock with silver handwritten calligraphy had been on my desk when I entered the office. “Private Grace Holiday Celebration” it said at the Billionaires Club. As I sat there, I played with it in my hands, tapping it on the desk, debating on whether or not I should even go. Especially after what happened in the car with Kat. How could I had even shown my face around the Billionaires Club, let alone a Grace family celebration, knowing full well what we had done? I had woken up every night this week, drenched in sweat and my soldier at full attention, dreams about making sweet, passionate love to Kat in great detail. I couldn’t for the life of me get the events of the car out of my mind. We had almost had sex right there on the side of the highway, all my senses thrown to the wind. The more I thought about it, the more intensely I wanted her, and seeing her again with her wild curves and her seductive ways might send me over the edge. It was also almost a guarantee that Michael would be there, and I wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything untoward to his daughter in front of her father, let alone any friends that could go back and tattle on him. So, there really wasn’t any harm in going I supposed after hours of wrestling with myself over it. Besides, Michael was like family. He treated him more like family that my parents or blood family ever really had. My parents were rather disinterested in me as a child, shoving me off to boarding school after boarding school until the family fortune ran out. I had worked my way through college all by myself, and nary a person knew that I did it all by washing dishes, especially those in the circles of high society my parents still tried to socialize with. Single handedly from the sweat off my back, my blood and my tears, I pulled our family from the haws of ruin. And even then, they didn’t give me the time of day. No thank you, no pats on the back for me. No, they took some of the money and moved off to Greece to retire from their incredible lives, filled with doing absolutely nothing but spending other people’s money. I hardly spoke to them, even thought my mother still battled muscular dystrophy. I had done everything I could for them, even threw a bash to raise money for research for muscular dystrophy, and they were thankless in return. Michael had been the highest donator at the benefit, and we hit it off famously. Soon after, learning of my family’s misfortunes, and without judging me and seeing how good I really was at what I did, then he helped me strike my first big deal. I owed him a great deal. The man was the best person I had ever met, and I really didn’t want to mess that up. Kat’s siren call was so strong, but fucking her behind his back was no way to repay him. Even if I was almost one hundred percent sure that Kat was the only woman for me.

  I kept thinking about how she felt in my arms, my hands navigating her body, touching her in all the right places. I had been with many a beautiful woman, but none of them ever could hold a candle to how Kat felt. I had fallen into the habit of when being home alone, imagining waking up next to her, having breakfast, coming home to her and making her squeal out in pleasure. These were all dangerous fantasies I knew in my head I needed to stop having, but I couldn’t stop myself. She was the only one for me. The only one I wanted. The one that I desperately needed. As I climbed into the Lambo, I caught a whiff of her lingering perfume, sending goosebumps down my arms. I hoped Kat would be at the party, just so I could at least be in her presence, mingling with her for a few hours even if it was just as friends. I was in serious danger of falling for her and hard, but at this point, what was a fella to do when they felt this deeply about somebody?Upon arriving, my teeth set on edge as I saw that no good riff-raff Pierce entering the door. We stood together in the hallway, and a bartender came up to ask if we were here for the private soiree. Instead of the usual bar area, we were taken to the back to a private sitting room. We both looked confused as entered, going back and forth with each other like usual when Michael wasn’t around. We poured a couple drinks and Pierce spotted a little note on the bar.

  “Ay, Check this out,” Pierce said to me, pointing to a little standee in front of him. “There’s a note here.”“Well, what’s it say?”I asked inquisitively. It was already strange that no one else was here but us. I had made the quip that maybe we had been early, but for Michael to not even be here? It all seemed pretty suspicious. “It says ‘This is a private party for two very special men. Open your present under the tree to get things started’” Pierce chuckled to himself, pouring himself another drink and tossing it back, setting the glass down. I set my attention on the big box by the Christmas tree and walked closer. “What do you think it is?” I pondered out loud, cocking my head as I looked at the cardboard box, wrapped neatly with a pretty bow. I went over and stood in front of it, pulling a cigar out of my breast pocket.“Maybe Michael hired us a stripper for Christmas,” Pierce snorted, walking over next to me, standing in front of the gigantic present. “Ha! A stripper would be wasted on you, you wouldn’t know what to do with one.” I pulled my lighter out, lighting my cigar, and puffed a cloud at Pierce. He rolled his eyes at me, his Brooklyn boy temper getting the best of him, much to my delight.“At least I wouldn’t bore her to sleep with that southern drawl of yours, spouting off about thoroughbred stallions and
waistcoats at a slug’s pace.” Pierce snapped back, I snickered wildly at his comeback. “Oh? And I suppose they would love your Yankee droning about cars would really get their motor going, huh? At least talking about animals, I have a chance. Woman love animals” “Who knows? Maybe they’ll mistake you for a stray and take you home then!” Pierce guffawed loudly, I groaned at him and mouthed at him ‘so funny’. He mouthed back ‘Oh I know’. My curiosity piqued, I pulled gently on the ribbon at first, and it wouldn’t budge. It was as if it were stuck on something. I tugged harder and the box made some odd noises and gave way. To my surprise and Pierce’s, Kat popped up out of the box. My jaw dropped, her body covered in sheer red lace and a cute Santa’s hat on her head, crowning her beautiful brunette hair. As I stared at her beautiful physique, barely covered at all, I wondered if I would ever be the same again now that I knew what heaven truly looked like.

  “Surprise boys!” She cheered, blowing us both a flirtatious kiss. “I hope you like what Santa brought you.” She purred, taking a few steps towards us in her ruby red pumps, her breasts bouncing with each step. As I stood there, shocked to the core, Pierce shook me from my gawking as he hurried with his suit jacket over to her. His face looked panicked and upset, and the man had every right to be. Without Michael, neither of us would be where we were today. This was almost blasphemous, but I found even then, I couldn’t turn my eyes away. I wanted to strip her down and take her, feel every inch of her curves, and eat her up.“What on earth do you think you’re doing, Katerina?!” Pierce glared at her, tossing her his suit jacket. “What the hell is all this? Cover yourself up young lady!” I frowned, still conflicted in my own mind, and tsked at her. I crossed my arms and feigned my best irritated look I could muster, which was probably very easily transparent. I could only hope I was a better actor on the outside, than the raging inferno of heat and fiery passion I actually felt on the inside. But then again, why was she also presenting herself like this to Pierce? I could feel my jealousy swell and swarm inside me. “You need to do what you are told right now and cover up!” I growled at her. She glared at the both of us and grabbed the jacket from Pierce and threw in on the ground, seeming to be angry at us for not accepting her gift so readily. I let out a shocked gasp as the coat hit the floor, starting to become confused by the whole situation. Pierce rolled his eyes and seemed equally distraught, but also angry and frustrated. She stepped out of the box and put a hand on my chest and the other on Pierce’s shoulder. A mischievous glimmer radiating from her green eyes. “Now, now boys,” she grinned, speaking low and seductively. “How is it you can act like this past week didn’t happen?” She looked to Pierce, and I narrowed my eyes. “You and I in your office, me grinding into your lap while you passionately kissed me?” Pierce went to open his mouth, but no words came out. I could feel the jealousy hot and heavy in that moment, until she interrupted my thoughts and lay our tryst bare as well. “And you,” I turned to Ollie, “Am I so forgettable that you’ve forgotten our little tryst in the car?” She pulled on my tie, moving her face ever so close to mine, her lips almost brushing against them. “Because you know what? I haven’t. I haven’t forgot about either of you.” She suddenly let my tie go, causing me to stagger backward slightly, and sauntered over to the bar with strutted over to the bar oozing off sexual energy and confidence. She pulled a bottle of Amaretto from the bar and poured herself a glass, pounding it back quickly before turning to face us again, walking back over to us with a smug look on her face. “I know both of you want me,” She whispered in Pierce’s ear, loud enough for me to here. I could feel my heart thundering in my chest as she turned to me, leaning in carefully. “And I am very certain that I want both of you too.”“Katerina, you are playing with fire here,” Pierce roared, shaking a finger at her. It was obviously he was very upset, and I couldn’t blame him. I was a little upset myself. Here I thought I was the only apple of my kitty Kat’s eye, but she was playing us both. And for what reason, exactly? To bed us both at once?As Kat got close to Pierce’s face, a look of sheer lust across her face, It wasn’t very long until she answered my very question.“Oh yeah?” She barked back, my ruby red lips inches from Pierce’s “Well I want to burn.”She whispered lowly as she grabbed my hand and kissed Pierce, who protested at first. Grunting and groaning, almost struggling under the weight of our betrayals of Michael. However, in just seconds, his demeanor went from protest to passion and it was all I could do to contain myself. It was already bad enough that we had both fooled around with Michael’s daughter, and now she was trying her damndest to screw us both? As I watched them lock lips, I could feel my cock throb beneath my suit pants. The damage had already been done, and if this is what I had to do to have Kat, I’d do it. She turned to me and I cursed, grabbing ahold of her and kissing her before she could give it a second thought.I kissed her passionately and deeply, hardly allowing her to come up for air. This was the woman I had yearned for since she came home on visit at twenty. She had been younger of course then, and I had watched her grow into a young lady, but it had never been until that point that I had realized she had become a woman. It had been at another Billionaire’s Club affair; her thick frame black glasses donned her nose and she wore a form fitting dressing that came just above the knees. He father let her drink, which was normal for him, he had let her have a few drinks with us since she turned 18. He always thought it was safer than her going to parties at frat houses. But I remember that little wink she gave me as she sipped her daquiri, flashing me a sexy little smile. And I was hooked. I had pushed it out of my mind then, she was Michael’s daughter, I was his best friend. It was a silly little thought. But then she came back and it all swarmed me, leaving me desperate to have her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me deeply, her tongue massaging mine as Pierce came up behind her. Much to my surprise, Pierce had gone rogue as well, pressing his body against hers and kissing her neck. She started to unbutton my shirt, nice and slow, revealing my chest as if it was some prize to be had. She seemed to marvel over it, tracing my sternum with her finger, her eyes wide and full of wonder. She then turned to Pierce and did the same, and we both caught a glance from each other and lightly nodded in agreement as we threw our shirts to the floor. This was happening. She then moved to my pants, tugging playfully at my belt, biting her lip. The excitement on her face was enough to drive a man wild as she pulled my pants down, exposing my tight banana hammock, bulging and straining from my rods frustrated pushing. She then turned to Pierce and did the same, his pants falling to the floor and revealing his silken boxers. She let out a mew of excitement as she took the time to use her fingertip to trail our hipbones, lightly tracing underneath the lines of our underwear. And then suddenly, like a man possessed, Pierce pounced. He picked her up and carried her over to the bar, placing her on it, a shocked but satisfied look on Kat’s face.“If we are going to do this, we are going to do this right.” He whispered to her, going behind the bar and impatiently tugging off her lingerie top. As his hands slid around her and massaged her, I felt myself lose all sense of self. I wanted to touch her breasts, eat her nectar, bury my shaft inside her and feel her tight and wet around me. “You wanted us to play, hmmm?” He said licking her ear and playing with her soft, buttery nipples. Her moans getting the best of me, I slinked over and parted her legs as I positioned myself in front of her. “Well then, princess, let’s play.” Pierce softly chuckled. “Allow me, Miss.” I said, winking at her as I kissed my way up her thighs to her crotch, only barely covered by the sheer lace panties that adorned her gorgeous little slit. I took my teeth and lightly bit at the panty line, causing her to shudder as I revealed her pretty pussy. Pierce and I both gasping as her full naked body laid there, ready for the taking. And for fucks sure, we would.We quickly took to task, Pierce massaging her beautiful, busty breasts. Kneading them and her nipples, going underneath her arm so he could lick them and suck on them, causing Kat to moan and cry out. I grinned up at her as I moved in, my tongue flicking and lashing at her pi
nk pearl, her eyes fluttering with every strike. She tasted amazing, the smell of her vanilla perfume permeated the air as I ate her like I was starving, using my tongue to navigate her slit and drink up her honey. I took two fingers and slid them in gently, past her bottom lips and into her perfect and tight canal. I thrusted in and out of her with them while working her clit, her hands grasping at my hair and her fingers wrapping around my head as I tasted and finger fucked her. “Oh god,” She cried out, pushing my fingers and mouth into her harder, “Ah, god yes keep going.” She purred, taking a second to look into my eyes before looking up at Pierce and kissing him. He was the biggest piece of shit I knew, but even if I didn’t want to admit it, watching her kiss him and get her breasts played with while I worked the downstairs was insanely hot. Nothing mattered more to me than pleasing her, and I increased my speed with my fingers, her nails digging gently into my head. “Oh fuck! Fuck Ollie!” She screamed, wriggling and writhing as I went faster and faster. Pierce held her firmly, snickered and biting at her ear. “This is what you wanted baby, now take it!” He rumbled, massaging her breasts more vigorously, tweaking her nipples in between his figures. “Cum for us Kat.”“I-I-I…” She screamed, still wriggling around under my tongue. I felt her tighten and throb around me as she soaked my fingers. “FUCK!” She cried, her legs trembling underneath her. She laid there breathless, goosebumps pilling all over her skin. She looked down at me, her eyes still full of yearning and desire, her eyes flickering as I sucked my fingers clean of her juices. “My turn,” Pierce snickered. Kat looked at both of us, surprised that we were going to go further than what we already had. “What are you tired already?” He laughed, coming out from behind the bar, trading places with me. “N-No,” she looked at both of us, quivering and stuttering. “Good,” I laughed, “Because we are only getting warmed up, Miss Grace.”