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Missy Mischief Page 14
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Page 14
Kat (Thursday – One Month Later)
“Hmm?” Renn responded, looking over the building map with me. The parcel of land for the development had finally been purchased, and we were finally getting the ball rolling. The only thing left was to get all the permits in order. But something truly bothered me about the project. It felt like such a waste to make these people live in such un-homey apartments. I know I wouldn’t personally feel comfortable, but I also knew I had privilege in that feeling. But why couldn’t these hard-working people feel comfortable too?“I was just thinking,” I smiled, biting the tip of my pencil. “These floor plans for these apartments are so cookie cutter and sterile! Just rows and rows of them all built the same way…” I frowned. These people may be poor, but they didn’t have to live in a place that made them look poor. They all worked hard, harder than people like me, and they deserved to live somewhere that was more personable. “Well, yeah Kat,” Renn chuckled. Her voice tinged with annoyance. “This is the most efficient setup to maximize property usage and fit the maximum number of people we can. This isn’t some luxury condo project.” She snipped at the end, obviously stressed, but still also convinced I couldn’t possibly be an asset to the project. “I am aware it’s not Renn,” I pursed my lips a little at her jab, and then smiled. “I just feel like the project should be going beyond just housing people.” I sat in front of her on the edge of her desk, legs crossed. “This should become a place of community! It needs meeting spaces, shops, playgrounds…” Renn nodded, seeming to take a minute to soak in my suggestion, but then frowned. “The problem with that is, Miss Kat,” She sighed, “We are having the parcel we bought rezoned for residential only.” She walked over behind her desk, my eyes following her as she went, turning around to face her. She pulled a lollipop out from her drawer, carefully unwrapping it. “If you want commercial or other spaces, you would need to rescind and reissue all new permit requests.” She widened her eyes and winked at me, popping the sucker into her mouth. She handed one to me, and I waved her off, my stomach was already in knots and had been on and off every day this week. I sat down, hoping that the moment would pass without vomiting in front of her.“Yes, it might cause a slight delay, but don’t you love the idea of building a whole new neighborhood? Somewhere safe and affordable to live that gives them both housing and community?” I could feel my stomach churn, and I tried to swallow it down and muscle through. “I think the little bit of wait we would have to go through would be worth the wait.” Renn smirked and went to open her mouth, but it was too late. My stomach as on overdrive. I stood up quickly, trying to find something to throw up in, realizing quickly I wouldn’t even make it to the door let alone the downstairs bathroom. I covered my mouth, eyes widened in alarm. Renn thankfully understood what was going on and tossed me her wastebasket. I caught it, sat down and proceeded to spill my lunch into the tiny, smelly waste in. Renn came around the desk, rubbing my back until I was done. I was so embarrassed. I just threw up in front of my colleague in her office. She already thought I was a moron, and now this? I could feel the frustration boil up inside me as another wave hit, and I threw up again. “I’m sorry,” I called from my perch in the trash can, echoing loudly. “No! Don’t be sorry! It’s totally okay. I have kids.”“You have kids?” I muttered.
“Yup! Seven and two.”“But you’re so young…” I said, pulling my head out of it’s garbage can prison. It was strange, the minute I got it all out and the dust settled, I was fine. Just like every other time before. It was like I had some weird stomach bug. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am not going to say it’s easy, but I love them with all I got.” She beamed. “Did you have a rough night or something?”“Nah,” I shook my head, “I haven’t drank since New Year’s. This has to be some sort of weird stomach bug or something.”“What’s so weird about it?”“Well every day around this time this week, I get nauseous. And then I throw up and all of a sudden, I feel loads better. It’s the lead up honestly that’s the worst.” I sighed. Renn stared at me awkwardly, her eyes widening a bit. “I don’t mean to pry…but could it simply not be a stomach bug.” She queried.“Well what else could it be, Renn?” I laughed nervously, “I already told you I haven’t drank since New Year’s.”“Listen, I don’t like to get super personal with work associates like this but,” She clicked her tongue and took my hand. “Is it possible that you are late for your period?” I furrowed my brows as I thought about it, and then panic struck through me like lightening. “Oh my god, Renn. I am late.” I buried my head in my hands and began to sob. Could Renn be right? Could I really be pregnant? Renn flew around the desk and rubbed my shoulders. “There there girl, take a deep breath.”“I don’t know anything about children,” I cried, “My mother died when I was five. I have always been around boys my whole life. I’ve never babysat or anything really, except Elle’s little brother Derek. But we both took care of him while her parents went out…” I was shaking like a leaf. If I was pregnant, this could start and entire shitstorm. I was on birth control for christ sakes. “Breathe,” Renn whispered, “It’s going to be okay sweetie.” Her voice was very sweet, a deviation from her normal, raspy, tough voice she used. I imagined this was how she talked to her little ones. And though I wasn’t really friends with her, the sound reminded me of my own mother. Soft and gentle. It put me at ease. “Why don’t we walk around to the pharmacy and pick up a pregnancy test. I’ll even buy it for you, so it doesn’t draw attention to you,” She smiled as I looked up at her. Even after all the slights against me in the beginning, and her little attitude here and there, she really wasn’t that bad after all. Elle would’ve never done something like this for me. I nodded my head in agreement, and we went downstairs and out the door. The corner pharmacy looked like a building that had weathered many a break in and hurricane, the bricks chipped and cracks in the window glass. A lit pharmacy sign hung above the door, looking like it was coming half of the iron pole that held it. I stood there, dressed in a pink designer dress and gold pumps, primped and looking like money, suddenly feeling completely out of place. I looked around nervously and crossed my arms.“Wait here, I’ll be right back, okay?” She smiled, ruffling my hair as she went in. “Okay.” I whispered, realizing that I was a little scared to be in such a neighborhood. All my life I had lived in the lap of luxury and thinking about living in a downtrodden area like this made me both sad and ashamed. My father had so much money we could rebuild this whole town, and the government had even more money. So why were people subjected to living like this? We could all as a human race do so much better for the people around us.Before I could figure out the answer to my own question, Renn came out of the pharmacy with a brown paper bag. We hoofed it back over to her office and I went into the bathroom, bag in hand.“Don’t worry I will be right here when you come out, okay?” She called from the other side of the door.“Okay.” I called back nervously, my voice quivering with fear. I had never taken a pregnancy test, but from all the dumb romance movies I had watched before, it never seemed to be that complicated. I read over the instructions just in case before opening the white, sterile package, exposing a purple and white capped off test. I took the cap out, taking in a dep breath to try to calm myself as I did what the instructions said, the capping it off and placing it on the sink.The three minutes seems to drone on and on. I stared impatiently at my gold and pink floral faced Rolex, peering at it after about a minute. Nothing had really shown up yet but the two control lines. Maybe I wasn’t pregnant, maybe this had all been a precautionary thing and Renn was wrong. I closed my eyes and waited for what seemed like forever, pacing back and forth as I waited for the last minute to tick by. And finally, when it had, I lifted the test to my face to check the results, almost confident Renn couldn’t be right. But to my horror, staring right back at me, was a big old plus sign.I was pregnant.
Ollie (Monday)
Ever since New Year’s, life had been horrible and empty. I
had hardly talked to Kat since then about anything other than business, even though we frequently ran into each other in the halls. I would try to strike up a normal conversation, but she would just smile weakly and say she was off to another meeting, that we would talk later. But later never came and it left me feeling completely alone. Being lonely wasn’t a feeling that I wasn’t already used to, but I sure as hell didn’t miss it one bit. She had put a stop to our rendezvous, not only with me, but with Pierce as well. She had even taken it upon herself to scale back any meetings or collaborations as much as possible, except for the times when we needed to discuss the current project at hand. Like this day in particular. It had truly gone the way that she had cried out at the party before she left us both. All or nothing. And nothing felt like trapesing through my own personal hell. I could imagine Pierce felt the same way, though we hadn’t talked much since New Year’s either. In a way, I wish he would talk to me, then we could at least commiserate together and have someone to talk to about it all. It wasn’t like Kat was receptive, and we sure as hell couldn’t take our sorrows to Michael. It was like living with your lips sewn shut, and not a thing you could do about it. Kat had called us to discuss some proposed changes her and Renn had discussed in a meeting between the two of them. Apparently, us boys were just the pockets of the gig now, which I felt alright with. Kat and Renn both had good heads on their shoulders, and although Kat was young herself, she definitely had the know how to get the job done. Plus I wanted to do whatever made her happy, and if being the means they needed with their girls club philanthropy project gave her peace? I was more than willing to accommodate. I mean, I was getting older now, and it wasn’t like I could take the money with me. And even though we were no longer intimate, or seeming to be even friends really, I wanted what was best for her no matter what the cost was. The clincher was Renn wouldn’t be in attendance today. She had other meetings to go to apparently regarding the project, which would make this all the more awkward and unsettling. I was early of course, sitting at the table in Michael’s conference room, looking through my phone. I tried to distract my thoughts by looking through social media, even played a dumb game on my phone. But nothing helped. I was all nerved up and full of emotions, and nowhere for them to go, just like and of the other meetings she had called since the breakup of sorts. As Kat finally walked in. My heart froze in my chest as Kat wandered in, looking disheveled. Her hair, usually done up really nice, was lackluster and thrown up in a messy bun. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, which was rather irregular for her. Dark bags puffed underneath her eyes and her lips looked chapped. She was yawning as she came in, which made me think maybe something was really a miss. Was she okay? Was she not sleeping? Was she sick? The questioned rattled off in my mind in rapid succession, and all I wanted to do was go to her and hold her. But the distance placed between them was too wide now to even think about something like that. I hated seeing her this way, unkempt and sickly looking. I wished I could make it all go away, make it all better. A few moments later, Pierce arrived. Stone faced and dressed in a nice purple suit. He had always been for looking flashy, while I on the other hand relied on Southern charm and a more conservative attire. He took his seat at the table opposite from me, giving me a weak smile of acknowledgement. Since his breakdown at the bar, he had become more cold than usual. There was no longer even any competitive banter back and forth. Something told me that he wasn’t used to anyone seeing him that way, especially with the way he carried himself. Maybe because of being exposed to his softer side, he felt uncomfortable around me. Not that if he hadn’t cried it would have made a difference. The whole thing was a disaster for all of us.His expression changed from stone-like and collected to concerned within seconds as he looked her over, his eyes wandering and observing her tired and less than perfect form as if he was looking at an alien entity. He glanced over at me momentarily, his eyes wide with worry. I shrugged quietly, and he sighed to himself. Apparently, he had hoped that maybe tender old Ollie had some insight as to what the hell was going on. But to my own dismay, I was entirely out of the loop as well.“So, Kat,” He asked gently, adjusting himself in his seat. “What exactly is the meeting about today?”“Well,” Kat started, her voice tired and almost gravelly. “I wanted to suggest some changes to our original plans for the project.” She sat down and got out the original blueprints from a bag by her feet, and laid them out on the table. “You see, this is the original plan that Renn has plotted out for the development. Sterile, boring, copycat apartments.” She sighed and rolled her eyes, “Who would want that for themselves, let alone their kids?” Her words seemed to catch in her throat for a moment, and she took a deep breath, coming back to center. She shook whatever was bothering her off and continued. “Here is the new plan, with my suggestions.” She unrolled a new map, all done up in Kat style, on pink paper. “In this new plan, we are going from strictly residential to multiuse.” She used a ruler she had next to her and started pointing to places on the map. “As you can see here, we have a park, a gathering area, basketball and tennis courts, and several retail and restaurant spaces.” She smiled, though her smile still was very tired. “We should be seeing this building project as creating a community, not just putting up another apartment block. These people deserve better than what they are getting. Everyone should have the luxury to live comfortably and feel safe.” I was thoroughly impressed. Kat had taken the little tax hub we were trying to create and was trying to build something way more beautiful and selfless. Something I would have never thought to do. I looked over to Pierce, who was smiling, nodding his head in approval.“You thought this up all on your own, Kat?” He said, pointing to the map and standing up to get a better look.“I did!” She beamed, “I’m the one who pitched the suggestions to Renn.” “This is absolutely genius,” He gasped, “This could also be lucrative for us all as well, especially if we can attract businesses to these retail spaces.” He looked over the map closers, squinting his eyes. “That would be amazing… but the area is very rough around the edges, so I don’t think we would be able to get big businesses in the area.” Kat sighed. “Yeah,” Pierce frowned, “You do have a point.”“What if we could try to convince the city to extend the city car to the new neighborhood?” I suggested, thrilled to bits that Kat seemed to be feeling happy, if only for a second. Anything I could do to keep up the momentum, was worth any price in the world. “It would bring tourist traffic, and if the route just so happens to stop by our new multi-purpose development? Then all the better for the community!” Kat eyed me suspiciously and then pursed her lips, sitting down in her chair, motioning to the map. “Sure,” She nodded, “And how are we supposed to convince them of all this?”
“Of course, ya’ll will have to rely a bit on my Southern charm, but I think I could pull it off.” I winked. “It’s not so much charm as it is your deep pocket and networking connections,” Pierce snorted.“It sounds better the way I say it.” I shrugged, laughing right along with him. Kat laughed and for a moment, everything felt okay again. The three of us were laughing and joking, bringing this beautiful new project to fruition together. But just as fast as the moment came, it passed. “Sorry to meet and run, but I have another meeting I gotta get to downtown. Love this idea Kat! I am all for it.” Pierce smiled, shaking her hand and excusing himself, heading quickly towards the door. “It was nice seeing you both.” He smiled weakly, calling over his shoulder as he went out. Kat smiled for a moment, but it was replaced with a somber look. “I’m going to go make some calls about all this,” Kat bowed her head to me momentarily, “If you’ll excuse me Ollie. Thank you for coming and have a wonderful day.”“You too, Kat.” I forced a smile, and as she faded out of my sight, I felt more alone and sadder than I had before the meeting ever took place.
Pierce (One Week Later – Sunday)
I picked gingerly at my breakfast at my usual spot, staring into my plate, but I had never felt less like eating in my whole life. My appetite had been at a loss r
eally since New Year’s, and it was like everything was tasteless, everything lacked substance and color. It was like my world was just coated in an agglomeration of various grays. Everything seemed to pointless, life seemed so meaningless, and without Kat to bring the color back to my world? I had never felt so empty inside. It was as if she had just taken all my passion, all my ability to feel any inkling of happiness, and ran off with it. The only good thing I had going on, was that the project was chugging along better than originally expected. With Kat’s ideas at the helm, and Ollies contacts coming through for him, it was well on its way to becoming a great success. The zoning board was looking very favorably at our multi-purpose idea, and the mayor seemed more than enthusiastic about a new streetcar route. We were going to help thousands of people, build a community, and change their lives for the better. All these great things were quickly coming to fruition, it was just was a shame that it did nothing to ail the pain I felt inside. I missed Kat. Every single day I missed her. I would wake up and wonder what she was doing, where she was going, who she was hanging out with. I would recall her laugh and scent, her cupid bow lips when she smiled. I missed the way her body felt against mine, the way she felt when I was inside her, the curves of her body just an example of God’s ability to create perfection. Not having her in my life was the biggest struggle I had ever face, even bigger than trying to make my first million, even with Michael’s help. I would give anything to have her back, to quit obsessing over ever little detail of what happened, wondering how I could fix it. Wondering why I had even gotten myself in this mess to begin with. Agonizing over not having her by my side. I could feel frustration and tears well up in my eyes as the seat in front of me was pulled out, and its empty space replaced with Oliver. “Uh, waiter!” Oliver hailed the staff, who quickly came over. “Could I please have a menu?” I eyed him suspiciously, blinking away my tears of grief as he ordered for himself, not even acknowledging my existence. As the waiter took him menu and he thanked him, he finally set his eyes on me. He looked exhausted, upset and strung out on too many nights of bourbon healing. A part of me was relieved to have him here in front of me. At least I didn’t have to be alone, agonizing over everything. I had given him space after New Year’s, especially after the breakdown I had had in front of him at the bar. It had been an embarrassing, weak moment for me, and not a side to me I showed to anyone. Kat had never even seen me that way. “We need to do something about all this Kat business,” He said roughly, his usual slow Southern charm missing from his voice. “What do you mean?” I could feel my heart sink. Thoughts of them meeting up behind my back whizzed through my mind. The thought of the two of them cavorting like sex fiends behind my back stabbed right through my heart. I couldn’t bear to think that I had lost her. I could feel tears sting my eyes and blinked them back.“I can’t take missing her anymore, Pierce.” He sighed, the waiter bringing him his coffee. He swirled it around with his spoon, adding cream and sugar, and took a sip. “I can’t take this whole not having her around anymore. I know you want her Pierce, but I want her too. I love her.” I sat there in awe, this man laying his chest bare to me, spilling his feelings. “We have got to just…come to some sort of understanding here. I don’t think I can take much more of this.”“Listen, Ollie,” I smiled weakly. “We already made Kat try to choose, and that went over about as well as the Yankees losing to the Red Sox.” I laughed quietly, shaking my head before looking back up from the table at him. "We should have never forced her to choose. We’ve known Kat practically her whole life for Christsakes. She’s not one to be bossed around like that.” In that moment, talking with Oliver, I felt like a fool. Though Ollie had started the conversation, I had spearheaded the pick me movement that had left our trio riddled with pain and destruction. I didn’t know how I would fix all this, but I at least wanted to try. Somehow. “You make a good point,” Ollie nodded in agreement. “We were too pushy, and this was a very delicate situation. We both handled it very poorly.” He shook his head mournfully. “There has to be some way we can remedy this.”“What were you thinking?” I asked, crossing my arms and leaning back a bit. I had come to realize that Ollie wasn’t exactly the bratty, trust fund boy that I had come to think he was. He was a proud man, yes. But he was very smart and knew how to fenagle a situation to his advantage. “What I propose is going to be quite the radical idea if I do say so myself,” Ollie clicked his tongue looking to the table, and then to me. “I propose we give Kat what she wants. Both of us.” The thought had crossed my mind dozens of times as I had lain cold and alone in my huge bed. Would sharing Kat with Ollie be such a big deal? He was a stand-up guy, and it wasn’t like they hadn’t shared her a bunch already. This would just subdue the chaos, at least amongst ourselves. But would we really have a chance?“We would be facing a tough as hell road,” I sat forward, whispering feverishly to him. “It would be societal suicide! This isn’t a situation that most people are very welcoming of.” I huffed. “Oh common Pierce,” Ollie rolled his eyes. “We are fucking billionaires, not paupers or movie stars. We aren’t going to get cancelled. Sure, people might look at us strange, but society will just have to get the hell over itself.” He growled. “We can afford to live eccentrically if we so please.” He sipped at his coffee again, and then put it down, weaving his fingers together in front of him. “I’m going crazy without Kat, Ollie.” I started to tear up. “I can’t fucking eat or sleep! Every day I go without her my world gets lonelier and darker. It’s as if life before her was just and illusion, and she’s the only thing that matters.” I sniffled, embarrassed to be coming undone once again in front of my former nemesis. “If this is what it takes to be with her? I’ll struggle through every day of awkward conversations, questioning looks, and I will pay through the nose for every lawsuit where I have to break some bigoted, son of a bitches face.”“Good,” Ollie smiled. “That was what I was hoping to hear.” He held out his hand, and I shook it. The both of us beaming with joy. Now the only thing left to do, was to get Kat back on board, if we hadn’t already lost her.