Mommy's Boyfriend (Be My Boyfriend Book 1) Page 13
Yet, the two of them seemed to be getting on like a house on fire. They were playing together in the sand and Jayden didn’t seem shy or scared around Spencer, despite him being a practical stranger! I felt like I needed to take my mind off of things for a little bit, so I took a leaf out of my mom’s book and I began investigating the villa. I headed for the bedroom that Spencer had said I could have.
When I walked in this time, I took more of an interest in it. There was a huge four poster bed with soft, silk sheets in a dusky pink color. I smiled and dragged my fingers along the material, enjoying how it felt against my skin. I noticed there were complimentary luxury toiletries in a little gift box on the nightstand and I dug through them. There were bubble baths and bath bombs and even an expensive designer perfume from Chanel. I couldn’t believe all these things were here for me. I knew Spencer must have arranged it and the thought warmed my heart.
Once I was finished looking through my gifts, I headed toward the window and opened the opulent cream curtains to reveal the most beautiful sight of the Hawaiian coastline. The beach was empty except for Spencer and Jayden who were now wading out into the ocean together. Both of their feet were bare as they dipped their toes into the warm sea. Jayden was clutching his hand tight to Spencer’s and the sight made my heart soar.
I sighed. Perhaps, this could be my life now, I thought to myself and allowed myself to indulge in the dream for just a moment before I headed to the kitchen of the villa where my mom was sat. She was nursing a glass of sparkling water and reading a brochure outlining all of the activities and events happening in the resort.
“Anything exciting in there, Mom?” I asked with a smile as I sat down on one of the stools next to her.
My mom let out a long exhale and then placed the brochure down on the kitchen island. “I… I don’t know. I can hardly wrap my head around all of this. Things have been such a crazy whirlwind ever since Spencer blew back into town.”
I nodded. Boy, if only Mom knew just how true that was. “It sure has been crazy, Mom, but it’s also been nice, hasn’t it?” I said with a shrug. “He brought us to Hawaii and I imagine that seeing an old friend is fun too, right?”
“Yeah, that’s true. The last time I saw Spencer it was ten years ago at the last reunion,” she said. “And even before then, I hadn’t seen him since high school. But he’s still the same old Spencer. Even money doesn’t seem to change him.”
Talking about Spencer had my interest peaked. I leaned forward and began circling my finger into a swirling pattern on the marble of the counter top. “Speaking of high school, what was your relationship with Spencer like?” I asked, trying to keep my voice as steady and even as possible. I didn’t want my mom to suspect I was fishing for information.
“It was hardly a relationship to be honest, Rylee,” my mom began, “we only went out for exactly one week in sophomore year before we realized we weren’t well-suited to one another.” She laughed and shrugged her shoulders. “Besides, I was only dating Spencer because I wanted to make your dad jealous. He’d broken up with me the week before and I was heartbroken and determined to get back at him. It was all rather foolish.”
My mom sighed and then reached out to touch my hand. I held hers in mine firmly and smiled over at her. “You know what it’s like to be young and naïve, Rylee. But anyway, we ended up as good friends and even though I didn’t want to be with him, I still think Spencer is a great guy who would make a woman really happy if he ever did settle down.”
I glanced at her and tried to tell if she was hinting at anything, but her face gave nothing away. I doubted she knew anything about Spencer and I, but I still felt on edge about the whole thing. Even so, I couldn’t help but pry.
“So… since you know Spencer so well,” I started, looking down at my hands instead of at my mom. “What do you think it would take for him, or I guess, even any man like him, to settle down?”
My mom shrugged. “Honestly, Rylee, I’m not really sure. Most men like Spencer spend their lives hopping from bed to bed, but Spencer hasn’t ever been like that. From what I’ve heard about his life from him and other friends, he’s mostly been a bachelor for all these years. Now that he’s come into a lot of money, you’d think he could have anyone he wanted or do anything he wanted. So, I’m not sure if he’ll want to be tied down to anyone or anything.”
I nodded. I understood all too well what she was talking about because it was the same fear I’d had about Spencer ever since he came back into my life. Now that I knew he was filthy rich too, it just made things ten times worse. To Spencer, I must look like an anvil just waiting to tie him down and stop him from living life how he wanted to. If he had Jayden and I to look after, he couldn’t do what he wanted whenever he wanted to do it. He’d have to think about grocery shopping, play dates, parent-teacher conferences. What kind of forty-year-old man wanted that when he could be free to explore the world and fuck any pretty, young thing he could find?
“Well, anyway, I’m going to go out and find the boys,” I said as I pushed away from the kitchen island and stood. “Hopefully, they haven’t gotten themselves into too much trouble.”
“I’ll come along too. I could do with stretching my legs after the plane,” Mom explained as she followed me toward the back door.
I slid open the glass doors and slipped my shoes off before stepping out onto the beach. I could feel the sand falling between my toes and filling the gaps. I closed my eyes and let out a long breath. It felt refreshing and comforting in a way that made me relax for the first time in weeks. Before I could enjoy it for too long, however, I heard the excited laugh of my child and my eyes shot open. The sight tugged at my heartstrings.
Jayden and Spencer were successfully making a wonky sandcastle together. Jayden’s face was bright and he was beaming as he looked up at Spencer and listened to whatever he was saying. I couldn’t help but feel grateful to Spencer for giving Jayden this opportunity. It seemed as though they were still getting along great and I wondered if my fears had all been for nothing.
“Hey, Jayden!” I called out as I finally approached them.
“Mama!” Jayden cried excitedly and rushed toward me. He hugged my legs. “Come, come! Come see my castle!”
I smiled down at him before following him. Mom wasn’t far behind and once we reached Spencer, the four of us got lost in conversation. We discussed the resort and the journey and what we wanted to do while we were visiting for a long time. In fact, we watched the waves wash up over the shoreline for hours until the sun began to set. In the dusk, Hawaii looked even more beautiful. The sky was lit up with pink and orange hues spilling out from the horizon. It reminded me of the night Spencer and I shared in the woods after our hike the other day. But before I could let myself indulge in that memory, Jayden was tugging on my dress.
“Mama! Hung’y!” Jayden complained with his bottom lip protruding from his mouth. “Please eat now!”
“Of course, my darling,” I replied and stroked his hair like I always did. “Let’s get you back and see what we can find for you, okay?”
Jayden nodded. All of us headed back to the villa, smiling and happy. It was the most relaxed I’d felt in a very long time and I couldn’t help but let my guard down a little. I’d been so tense all day that I was exhausted from it. It felt nice to be able to loosen up a little.
“How about we order room service?” Spencer suggested when we got back inside.
We all nodded and began to look through the menu together. Once we all found something we wanted, Spencer ordered it for us and I took Jayden for a quick bath before bed. Afterward, I dressed him in his space pajamas and brought him back out to the kitchen. He was already rubbing his eyes and looking tired, but the food had arrived, so we made quick work of having a small family dinner together.
It was nice to sit down together and talk about everything and nothing. I’d thought having my mom and Spencer in the same room would just make me paranoid, but instead, it made me yearn for
more. I wanted my life to be filled with fun family dinners like these. I let myself be happy for a change as we made jokes together, laughed together, and spoke about all the things we wanted to do while we were in Hawaii.
Life was good.
While dinner was fun and I enjoyed spending time with everyone, I could see Jayden’s eyes drooping and I knew the little tyke needed to hit the hay soon. I reached out and ruffled his hair lovingly before turning to Rylee. “Would you mind if I put the little man to bed tonight?” I asked, smiling over at her and hoping she was feeling generous.
“Sure,” Rylee answered with an easy smile. “Come on, Jayden, let’s get you tucked in.”
“But Mama…” he began to protest, “I wanna see the fisheees!”
Rylee giggled. “There’s plenty of time to see the fishes, darling. Right now, you need to get some sleep so you’re well-rested for tomorrow, okay?” she reasoned with him.
Jayden looked like he was about to put up a fight, but before he could, I scooped him up into my arms and pointed to Rylee to lead the way. The look on Rylee’s face was unreadable then. I wanted to believe she was happy. I wanted her to be able to rely on me and see how great a father I could be. But before I had enough time to decipher her expression, Rylee was strutting down the hallway toward Jayden’s room and I followed after her.
By the time we reached the door, Jayden had already gone floppy in my arms and I held him tighter. Inside the bedroom, I placed him on the plush single bed and pulled the comforter over him. He grumbled a little sleepily before rolling onto his side.
“Story time, Mama,” he mumbled.
“Of course, baby,” Rylee replied. She picked up a book on the nightstand that had dinosaurs on the cover and passed it to me. “Here, he loves this one,” she told me with a smile.
I couldn’t believe that Rylee was giving me the chance to read to my boy, but I wasn’t going to wait around for her to change her mind. I took the book and sat down on the bed next to Jayden before opening it up to the first page.
“The little dinosaur was searching for a friend,” I began as Jayden looked at the pages and tried to read along. The story was short and simple, but by the time I had finished, Jayden was already sound asleep. I smiled down at him before tucking the blankets in around him and then kissing his forehead.
My boy, I thought, I can’t believe this is my son. A sense of awe washed over me as I looked down at him and saw how cute and innocent he looked. I couldn’t believe I had already missed four long years of his life. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t miss anymore. No matter what, I would never let little Jayden go.
After a moment of watching him sleep, I turned to see that Rylee was watching the two of us with fond eyes. We both smiled at each other before sneaking back out of his room quietly, hoping not to wake him. When we reached the kitchen again, Robin was yawning.
“I’m going to turn in early,” she said. “Traveling has always made me tired and I’ve had far too much to drink today. I’m exhausted. Besides all that, it’s been a hell of a day!”
“Okay, Mom, take care of yourself,” Rylee responded with a smile before pulling Robin into a gentle embrace.
“I will, honey. Don’t stay up too late.” Robin smiled at her daughter and then turned toward me. “Thank you again, Spencer. You’ve done more than enough.”
“It’s been my pleasure,” I told her. Robin retired then to her room and as soon as I heard the door slam behind her, I was practically vibrating with excitement at getting Rylee totally alone for the first time since we arrived.
Rylee stood completely still with her arms crossed over her chest. She was still looking down the hallway where her mom had just disappeared and I felt the overwhelming urge to pull her into my arms and hold her close. I didn’t, however. Rylee was still feeling conflicted about our relationship and so I needed to tread lightly.
“Rylee, why don’t you come and take a walk on the beach with me?” I suggested.
The beautiful, blonde-haired woman turned toward me then and looked at me for a long time. When she didn’t answer, I decided to push my luck. “It’s a beautiful night outside. I can see the moon out over the water and it would be such a shame to waste it.” I reached out and took her hand in mine.
Rylee didn’t pull away.
I took her outside onto the beach and we both walked bare-footed across the cool, white sand. Neither of us spoke for a long time. Instead, we listened to the waves crashing upon the sand and the sound of the wind whistling through the air. In the moonlight, Rylee looked even more beautiful than I’d ever seen her before which I didn’t think was possible.
Before I’d even realized it, we were halfway across the private beach and we found ourselves in a quiet, deserted cove outlined by towering rocks and shrubbery. The villa had disappeared behind the rocks and the resort was nowhere to be seen. It felt as though Rylee and I were in our own little world, completely separate from anyone else.
I looked down at her face then and tried to search desperately for something in her expression that might give me the answer to all the questions I didn’t even know I had. Her bright blue eyes looked up at me and they were even more beautiful than I remembered. I wanted to hold onto that moment forever.
“You did really well with Jayden today, Spencer,” she said, breaking the tentative silence that surrounded us.
I nodded. “I hope so. I’m already in love with the little guy. You really did a good job of raising him, Rylee,” I told her sincerely.
A bright, toothy smile stretched across Rylee’s face then and I couldn’t hold myself back anymore. I reached out and pulled her close to me, holding her small frame in my arms and enjoying her warmth.
“Rylee, I’ve never met a girl like you. I just can’t get you out of my mind. All through the years we spent apart, I always thought of you,” I confessed to her, our faces inches apart. “Maybe I was even obsessed with you. I don’t know. All I know is that in the last five years that we’ve been apart, I’ve never dated anyone else and I never wanted to.”
Rylee’s mouth dropped open. “I… I never dated anyone else either,” she admitted in a breathy whisper. “I told myself that it was because I wanted to focus all my energy on Jayden, but the truth is…” She paused and took a breath. “The truth is that I couldn’t find anyone that compared to you. Not even a little bit.”
The two of us stared into each other’s eyes for a short moment before I finally gave in. I leaned in and closed the small gap between us, placing my lips against hers. At the very first touch, Rylee eagerly kissed me back. Our lips moved against one another as if they belonged there. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I allowed my tongue to push past the seam of her lips and taste her sweetness. She gasped against me and her whole body went lax in my hands. I tugged her closer to me and gripped her hips tight in my hands.
“God, Rylee, I need you,” I whispered against her lips. “It’s been too long. I need to have you again.”
“Yes,” she moaned back, her arms wrapping around my neck. “I need you too.”
Before I could do anything, Rylee had already dropped down to her knees in the sand in front of me and I looked down in shock. Her hands went straight for the zipper of my jeans and I sucked in a breath at the thought of where this was leading. My cock was already hard and aching against the tight denim of my pants and I was desperate for relief.
Rylee finally worked my jeans open and pulled them down to my knees. The cool air hit my thighs and I gasped in surprise, but I didn’t have any time to complain because my underwear soon followed. My cock slapped against my stomach as it was freed and I moaned in delight.
“Oh, Rylee, you’re so beautiful,” I told her as I reached out and cupped her face with my hand. She looked up at me with a sinfully sweet expression and bit into her plump bottom lip. It was an image that would forever be etched into my memory.
Her hand reached up and took hold of my length
before she began pumping it in her fist. The heat of her palm made me groan and I felt my balls tighten in arousal. I’d never felt turned on by anyone as much as I was turned on by Rylee.
“Does it feel good, Spencer?” she asked with a smug smile in my direction.
I sucked in another breath and nodded. Rylee took the encouragement well and began to grow more confident in her movements. She rubbed her thumb over the tip of my head before opening her mouth and pushing my cock inside of it.
My eyes rolled back in my head as a warm, wet heat completely engulfed my erection. It wasn’t like I was a stranger to getting a blow job, but something about the way Rylee eagerly and enthusiastically sucked my long, thick length down her throat made me ache with desire. My hands stroked along her face and ended up in her hair, holding her and encouraging her movements.
“That’s it, baby. Suck it,” I hissed as she ran her tongue along the underside of my dick.
Rylee’s eyes looked up at me then and I moaned loudly. I never wanted this night to end. I wanted to spend forever lost in the feeling of Rylee touching me and surrounding me. Her hand wrapped around the base of my cock where she couldn’t quite take my whole length and she began to stroke it with fervor while her mouth worked the rest of my cock.
Before long, I felt like I was close to coming, so I drew back a little. “Rylee, Rylee, stop,” I told her. Straight away, she pulled off and looked up at me confused.
“Is everything okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, more than okay,” I told her before kneeling on the sand in front of her. “I just don’t want to come before I get the chance to make love to you.”