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Missy Mischief Page 10

  And as if Renn was reading her mind from across the room, Renn hopped into the fray that was already the battlefield of my mind. She snaked over, a feigned smile on her face, and pulled up next to me against the wall.

  “So,” Renn whispered, “I know you said it wasn’t a big deal earlier? But I can literally cut the tension between you three with a knife.” I swallowed, hard. There was no way I was going to tell her about put three-way lovers quarrel, so I made something up.

  “Just business-related disagreements, you know how competitive some men can be.” I smiled weakly, letting out a quiet giggle.

  “Nah,” Renn shook her head adamantly, “this? Is not just business.” She moved to stand in front of me as Terry eyed us over his shoulder, blocking his view to even read our lips. She leaned towards me, getting very close to my face until we were almost nose to nose, using the wall for balance. “I don’t know was exactly is going on here, but I got a pretty good idea that you’re the root of it all, Miss Kitty Kat.” She snarled, tightening her lips. “This project? Isn’t a fucking game. It’s not a little ball of yarn you can just bat around and play with for your amusement. This project will literally change lives, and if you screw this up? I hope that you realize that it's failure? The lives of thousands of people? Will be all your fault. That’s if a silver spoon like you even has a conscience.” She rolled her eyes at me, I opened my mouth to argue back, but before I could even get a word in edgewise, she had already turned back to Terry. He was waiting patiently for her to further discuss the property at hand, and he held out his arm for her to take as he showed her around. My blood was boiling. Not only were these two jerks acting like complete jackasses, now little miss professional with the pink mohawk was out for blood, and that blood was mine. I sulked in the background as the other three and Terry looked over the property, wanting nothing more that to claw her eyes out. How dare she talk to me that way! This project wouldn’t have even been started, had I not launched it into action, using my feminine charm and prowess.

  “Thank you, Terry for all your help today!” Renn beamed, her demeanor flipped quickly like a switch as she held out her hand. Terry smiled and shook it.

  “Anytime Miss Renn, you are most certainly an impressive visionary and businesswoman.” Terry winked at Renn, and blush formed on the apples of her cheeks.

  “Wow, thank you Terry! That means a lot!” Renn was lucky that Terry was too nice if a man to see through her fake flirtatious bullshit. I could see it from a mile away, though I supposed I employed the same tricks myself, and was much worse than she was. I mean, she pretended to like someone to get what she wanted. In my case I had caused a whole debacle, all because I wanted in my father’s best friends’ pants. As I stood there, watching the two of them chatter amongst each other, I could feel Renn’s words cut into me. “Ollie and Pierce? I’ll send my recommendations over by email.” She stared daggers into me as she walked away, bidding everyone farewell.

  “Yes and do let me know when you two have reached your decision! I am on pins and needles waiting for this deal!” Terry grinned. Of course, he was, this would be a big sale for him with a hefty bonus, and much like Ollie and Pierce, he was well of himself. The jingle jangle of money in his pocket was music to his ears, but he didn’t really care about the project himself. Another greedy little rich man just like most if Daddy’s friends. Terry scooted off, waving over his shoulder and hopped into his brand-new Escalade.

  As the three of us stood there in silence, I could feel that everything was about to explode. It was as if their anger and rage permeated the air, rippling wildly like heat waves and making me uncomfortable. I already knew Ollie wanted to knock Pierce’s block off for the way he has acted on Christmas Eve, and it quickly became apparent that the rest of their exchanges that day wouldn’t be amicable.

  “Honestly, I feel the first property was the best put together, less to be done to it so it’d be a bit more cost effective” He said, his arms crossed.

  “Well of course you’d love that one,” Pierce said, faking a smile, “it’s less money coming out of your wallet and it smells just like a horse stable.”

  “Well, you must be a horse stable then because the aroma surrounding you is remarkably similar, you piece of shit.”

  “What the fuck did you just say to me you old coot?”

  “Old coot? We are the same age! Though your actions the other night say otherwise you juvenile, pompous asshole!”

  The heat was turned up to a thousand degrees, and I could feel the panic erupt through my chest as Ollie and Pierce looked like they were about to beat the shit out of each other, much like they had been the night she weaseled her way into this project. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, hot and wet, and stream down my cheeks. Renn was right, this project was too important to fail, and it was falling down all around me, and my stupidly, selfish ways were the cause. I should have never gotten involved with either of them. I had fucked everything up.

  The fighting suddenly silenced as my quiet crying evolved into loud, exasperated sobbing. Ollie came over to console me, ready to wrap his arms around me like he had on Christmas Eve, but Pierce quickly pushed past him and picked me up off me feet, cradling me in his arms. My eyes widened and tears stopped as he put his head on mine briefly, before carting me off towards his car. Ollie standing there bewildered, unsure of what to sat or do.

  “I got this one, Oliver.” He called over his shoulder, “We'll be in touch.”

  As we got to his car, he gently placed me in the passenger seat, and he buckled me in. I stared out at Ollie who waved to me nervously, and I returned it a little shakily. My heart was pounding in my chest like a drum. I had no idea what the hell was going on, but I would be lying if I didn’t say that the thrill of it was getting to me. I was maybe a little messed up.

  Pierce hadn’t talked to me since he fled the scene of our three-way love session. He hadn’t even answered my Christmas Day text, leaving me on read like some sort of leper. I was positively pissed and hurt, but a part of me wanted to hear what he had to say. A big part of me.

  The car ride was quiet, save for the melodious tunes of rock music that lulled in the background. We passed through the city and into the French quarter, and I suddenly realized as we passed all the mansions that we were headed to Pierce’s house. A place I hadn’t been to since I was a teenager and daddy would drag me on his arm to all his friend’s parties. It was a beautiful, oversized mansion made of brick, black iron filigree accents adorning it on its doors and gates, with ivy that swirled and entangled around its sides. It almost looked like a place that couldn’t be real, so entrenched into the surroundings, so picturesque. It was nothing compared to the man sitting next to me.

  We arrived without saying a word, and then he was getting out of the car, I sat there, watching him come around until he opened my door, holding his hand out to help me down. I thought about refusing it, but his SUV was a little tall and there was no sense of breaking good heels and accidentally face planting.

  I took his hand gingerly, trying not to note how it dwarfed mine, trying not to remember how it had made me feel, exactly what they had done to me and the paths they have slid along my skin. He was oblivious to my struggle, of course, and lead me into his house then into his living room.

  Suddenly I was reminded of how incongruous the interior was to the exterior, all sports memorabilia without the otherworld sort of enchantment to it. For a rich man, Pierce sure did dress up his mansion like one of the boys, the walls around us covered with New York football, hockey and baseball knickknacks. A lot of them signed, which meant that they worth a fortune, of course.

  “Please take a seat,” he said, gesturing to the other couch as he sat down himself. “I think we should talk.”

  “Oh! Now you want to talk?” I huffed, “you think you can just pick me up and take me here and I am just going to talk? You’re out of your mind.” I could feel the anger and hurt well up inside me. I was still too raw and overwhel
med, the sting of his departure leaving invisible marks on my heart. I could still see his back retreating from me quickly, as if I was some sort of plague that he was trying to flee from before I could sink my sickness into him.

  I didn’t understand. When we had been making love, he had seemed so into it. Even though Ollie was there, even though the men were less than amicable a lot of the time, he had been present and intense and wonderful.

  Then, afterwards, when I was trying to soak in my afterglow, it was like one moment he was sweet and soft, then the next he was running away at top speeds.

  “Please Kat...” he sighed.

  But I didn’t want to talk. I wanted to feel good, feel wanted. By him. I wanted to feel like the world wasn’t crashing down around me, and that I hadn’t lost everything because of one silly Christmas Eve.

  It had been supposed to be fun. Just a little harmless fun. I’d wanted them for so long and they’d both seemed so into it…

  “Please, just make me feel good.” I whispered softly, trying not to cry as I leaned into him, looking up at him expectantly. Pierce gazed right back down at me then glanced away, seeming to be torn as to what to do.

  I hated seeing that conflict on his face. I could tell that he wanted me, that his body cried out for me the same way mine cried out for him, but he was denying himself.

  Why? I wasn’t sure. But didn’t he deserve a respite? Didn’t he deserve a haven in the storm where he could just be? I wanted to give him that. I wanted to give him that more than anything.

  “Kat…” he murmured again, warningly. Achingly. The conflict was written across all his handsome features, bold and bright and painful. I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t stand to see him in pain.

  So I solved that all when I reached up and kissed him. I tried to pour everything into my lips, letting him know that it was okay to let go. That he didn’t have to be ‘on’ all the time. That every once in a while, he could be selfish and do something for himself.

  And he seemed to understand. Like magic, he frantically returned my kiss, reminding me of a starving man finally giving in and breaking his fast. His hands slid all over my body, desperate, searching, and I let him rove wherever he wanted. The moment was about him. If he could just stop denying himself, if he could come to terms with us, all of us would be a lot happier for it.

  He groaned, his palms never stopping their movement. Gripping my breasts over my dress, weaving his fingers into my hair, cupping my ass and pulling me closer to him. His tongue lashing and massaging mine as if we were two lovers who hadn’t seen each other in years.

  Because it really did feel that way, strangely enough. The time we had spent apart had felt so agonizing, so bitter and cold. But the heat was definitely back, burning fervently and rapidly growing hotter.

  He pushed me up against the wall, and I almost stumbled in my heels, but he caught me with ease. And if that didn’t get me hotter than anything. I loved how strong he was, and it made me wonder just how much he could manhandle me.

  I got a bit of an answer as he hiked my dress up to my hips. My lower half grew cold for a moment, exposed as it was. But then he picked me up, quickly ripping my pantyhose right at the seam. I would have been mad if it wasn’t so damn arousing, and instead I only let out a strangled sort of yelp. The sound of them ripping sent chills through me and abruptly I kinda understood why bodice rippers were so popular amongst people. Oh.

  With just as much speed, he pulled my panties to the side, too eager to even get them off me. His haste proved out to be a bit unnecessary, however, as he still had to get himself free of his pants. His belt once again became a nuisance and he cursed softly under his breath.

  I didn’t mind, however, as it gave me a chance to take it all in. His incredibly carved cheekbones were flushed a soft red with desire for me and his breath was coming out in harsh pants. His pupils were blown out, almost like a man possessed, and the thought that I did that to him was definitely doing things for me.

  Finally, he unfastened everything, giving himself just enough room to pull himself free. There was no prelude to his actions then. One moment he was holding me up, his hard, leaking cock in his hand, the next he was sliding home into me.

  I gasped, leaning my head back to hit the wall, my spine curving in an exaggerated arch. The feel of him was incredible. Stretching me out, filling me up, making it so my entire world was his.

  “God, you’re so wet,” he rasped into the side of my neck, pulling back slightly only to slide right back home.

  “It’s for you,” I answered breathlessly, squeezing him with my thighs because I knew he could take it. Hell, he could take anything I could dish out and vice versa if only he stopped running away. “All of it, just for you.”

  He let out an almost pained groan at that, his eyes fluttering closed as his tempo increased exponentially. He pounded into me without restraint as I held on for dear life, supported only by him and the wall behind my head and shoulders. He bit my neck, licking and sucking at my sensitive skin, setting the hair on my arms on end.

  I was so caught up in everything that was him and what he was doing to me. I felt so supported, so safe that I could lose myself to the ecstasy more than ever before. It was maddening, but in the best way, and I never wanted it to end. I wanted to stay suspended in his fervor forever. No more worries, no more outside influences. Just him and me and the way he made me feel.

  Okay, and maybe Ollie too.

  “Oh god yes!” I cried out as he sunk in his teeth a little harder, the perfect counterpoint of sensation as he plundered deeper and deeper within me. We both moaned wildly as he took me, just two animals rutting into each other on instinct, the smell of our sweat and his cologne filling the air around us.

  It was all so raw and beautiful. The pleasure mounted quickly, building in and around itself, coating my mind until I was right there on the edge of it.

  “God, Peirce, I’m close, so close.”

  His hand plunged between the two of us, his thumb coming down on my clit, rubbing it in tight circles. “Good. Come for me, Princess. Come for me right now.”

  God, when his voice dropped low like that it did things to me. My breath hitched and I came so fast it was like it was ripped out of me. My orgasm wracked through me, hard enough so that it left me feeling breathless and a little embarrassed, my throat a bit raw from how loud I cried out. My lower half trembled, my adrenaline beginning to wane. I could feel little drips fall from me and to the floor below and that made me flush even harder at the thought that one of his staff would probably have to clean it up. Would they know? Would they think it was just schmutz on the floor or would they be able to tell that it was proof of how much Pierce could turn me on.

  I didn’t know, and I didn’t get an answer either. Suddenly, Pierce was hiking me up further, securing his grip on me so he could start carrying me down the hallway towards what I assumed could only be his bedroom.

  Oh, we really hadn’t quite made it there, had we? But the thought that he wanted me again enough to take me to his private sacrum made another thrill run through me. I giggled in delight and showered him with kisses. I wanted him to know that I was ready for more.

  Because I was always ready for more.


  Pierce (Friday)

  I threw her playfully onto my huge, California king sized bed, loving the way she looked up at me with her pale skin contrasting the coal black of its comforter. She landed farther from the edge than I wanted, so I quickly and playfully tugged her down to the bottom of the bed, lifting her legs up against my shoulders.

  She was a vision, hair splayed out across the dark fabric, her generous curves pressing into my mattress like I wanted to press into her.

  And I could. No more waiting, no more inner turmoil or spinning around in circles. Instead, I slipped back into her, savoring the feeling of the way she tightened around me. She was perfect, so perfect, like I couldn’t even describe. When I was inside of her, it was like all the
stresses and trials of the world fell away, leaving only us and how we made each other feel. It was like a release for my soul, one that I wasn’t aware that I ever needed.

  But I did need it. I needed it more than air itself. And now that I had her below me, I wasn’t ever going to let her go.

  Leaning down, I put her legs up to her ears and kissing her as deeply as I could as I thrust into her. She made sweet, desperate noises into my mouth, clumsily trying to return the kiss, and the way she reacted to me, like I overwhelmed her, like I completed her, only made me burn that much hotter.

  As our bodies intertwined, slick skin against slick skin, undulating into each other, unease began to try to slip into the cracks. I banished it from my mind, wanting to be caught up in the beautiful goddess below me, but the negative feeling was persistent. Poking, prodding, pressing until it threatened to break down the mental walls that I was trying to hold onto.

  Though the physical feeling of Kat was just as amazing as it was that fateful Christmas Eve when we had had our three-way rendezvous, something seemed to be... amiss. Just slightly shy of not right, like I had forgotten an important step. A step that I really, really needed to remember.

  “Pierce, oh my God, Pierce, I can’t even think!”

  Her words pulled me back into the scene between us and I shook the negative feeling off, letting myself succumb to the allure of her body and the charm of her mouth. I sank fully into our reality, letting it take over everything.

  I wanted the moment to last, so I slowed down a little. It was purely out of selfishness, but as I began to pull all the way out only to slowly, steadily fill her back up again, a strange sort of tenderness hit me. In was intense, how I was determinedly rocking within her, our eyes locked, our mouths comings together occasionally in nips and frantic kisses. Far more tender than it had any right to be.

  I found myself swept up in it, not wanting it to end. My hands roved across her soft, perfect body, trying to find a handhold to make sure that I didn’t spin off into space. I cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples lightly as I bucked, her eyes fluttering in pleasure. Her full, perfect mouth slacked open a little, her moans becoming more and more out of her control. Loud, desperate, becoming more frantic by the moment and driving me completely wild. It was like she knew how to press every one of my buttons, turning me from a grown man into a wild one. And that feeling only magnified as she bit her lip, trying to raise her hips up to meet my every thrust.