Missy Mischief
Missy Mischief
Victoria Snow
Copyright © 2019 by Victoria Snow
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Created with Vellum
1. Pierce (Two Weeks Earlier)
2. Kat (Tuesday)
3. Ollie (Tuesday)
4. Kat (Wednesday)
5. Pierce (Saturday)
6. Kat (Tuesday)
7. Ollie (Thursday)
8. Kat (Thursday)
9. Pierce (Monday)
10. Kat (Monday)
11. Ollie (Tuesday – Christmas Eve)
12. Pierce (Christmas Eve)
13. Kat (Wednesday – Christmas)
14. Ollie (Friday)
15. Kat (Friday)
16. Pierce (Friday)
17. Ollie (Saturday)
18. Kat (Saturday)
19. Pierce (Tuesday – New Year’s Eve)
20. Kat (Tuesday – New Year’s Eve)
21. Ollie (Tuesday – New Year’s Eve)
22. Kat (Thursday – One Month Later)
23. Ollie (Monday)
24. Pierce (One Week Later – Sunday)
25. Kat (Sunday – Monday)
26. Ollie (Monday)
27. Pierce (Monday)
28. Kat (Monday)
29. Pierce (Tuesday)
30. Kat (Tuesday)
31. Ollie (Friday)
32. Pierce (Friday)
33. Kat (Friday)
Epilogue - Kat (One Year Later – Christmas Eve)
Best Friend’s Boyfriend (Excerpt)
Get on the list!
Also by Victoria Snow
Mr. ‘Hot’ and Mr. ‘Hotter’ are both my Daddy’s best friends,
But I want them anyways.
Nothing is going to stop me;
This Christmas is going to be naughty and nice.
I’m going to weave my web around them until both the older men are mine!
But what if my little act of seduction turns into something serious.
What if both of them fall in love with me!
And how am I going to figure out who the father of my unborn child is!
Now, this is some mischief I did not intend to get into!
A Standalone Christmas Romance with two very gorgeous older men, and one very seductive bbw. Bite into those delicious cookies, sip that gourmet wine, and save Santa that trip – Be naughty!
Kat (Christmas Eve)
It had taken a lot of planning and fenagling to pull it all off, but I felt accomplished, lying in wait like a predator ready to pounce. I was hidden in the large Christmas box under the tree of the sitting room, heart thumping in my chest.
The Billionaire’s Club was the perfect place to carry out my mischievous, lust-filled plan. It was a good thing Daddy was generous with his money whenever I asked, though I was sure that if he knew what I was up to, he might have protested for once.
Being a daddy’s girl sure came in handy for paying the young bartender to tie the bow on the box and close off the room for the night. The worker had been a real lifesaver. Granted, with the way he had ogled me, it had been pretty easy to see that he had been the one who wanted to unwrap the oversized present that I was hiding in.
I could have easily had my way with him if I had been so inclined; I was well aware of that. I had a bombshell body, a big girl with plenty of curves and confidence to boot. A lot of the world tried to tell me that I wasn’t pretty, that I needed to diet away all of my luxuriousness until I could possibly love myself, but I wasn’t interested in that philosophy.
And I wasn’t alone either. I knew that I could make even the most powerful of men drool. I also knew that I was more than my looks and centering my whole world and personality around them was a trap. A tempting trap, but a trap nonetheless.
So I politely ignored the young bartender’s fascination and laid in wait. However, it did make it easier that young men weren’t my style, no matter how gorgeous they were. One could probably say that I had a borderline fixation on older, powerful men. Silver foxes, CEOs in their forties, owners in the very last years of their forties. I needed a significant gap in order to feel that pull of attraction -but not just anyone would do.
Nope, not at all. My yearning was for Daddy’s best friends Ollie and Pierce- and my goal was to ensnare them both in my little gravitation pull of charisma and charm so then I could make them mine. I already knew they both wanted me, and I wanted both of them, so I had to hope that my present to the pair would make them both choose me-at the same time.
Was it so surprising that I wanted to have my cake and eat it too?
The worst part was that, no matter how hard I planned, there was still a slight element of luck. I could only hope that both Ollie and Pierce got the invitation to the Grace Christmas Party. Even though I had set them on their desks myself, men could be absent minded sometimes. Or they could have accidentally been knocked in the trash. Maybe moved into a ‘to-do’ pile that never got done. Or-
No, it wouldn’t do any good to think like that. Focus. Focus. Hopefully just a little longer… I waited on bated breath for them to arrive. After all, how could they say no to one of Daddy’s parties?
Earlier in the week, I had gotten hot and heavy with both Ollie and Pierce, my lips still kiss bitten from our little romps in-between business meetings. Left alone and to our own devices, things between Ollie, Pierce and I had gotten fiery, unbeknownst to the other man involved of course. I had gotten so, so close to fucking both of them, but each time had ended in frustrating interruption. The passion and desire I felt for men had been equal, and try as I might, I couldn’t choose. And after a very riveting conversation with Elle, I decided I just might not have to. I could have my cake and eat it too, if they were both willing. So, I decided to go out and get what I wanted- both hot studs served to me on a silver platter. And hopefully neither would say no to my wild proposition. Finally, I heard their voices, talking back and forth about the philanthropy project we had been working on with my father. As they got closer, I heard their footsteps clomp towards the bar in their expensive, designer shoes. I waited patiently, attentive and ready to strike a pose so I could make my unprecedented moves. “Well,” Ollie’s sexy southern drawl sent chills running through me, “Looks like we are the first ones to the party.”“Guess so,” Pierce sighed, his thick Brooklyn accent setting me on fire. “Though, they’re pretty late if so.” I heard a bottle of liquor open at the bar, and two glasses clink as he set them down, pouring them both a drink.“That is might strange, isn’t it?” Ollie mused, the low squeal of one of the bar stools moving echoed through the room. After a few minutes, of talking back and forth, Pierce finally noticed my little Christmas note, set up on a standee on the bar. “Ay, Check this out,” Pierce said to Ollie, “There’s a note here.”“Well, what’s it say?”“It says ‘This is a private party for two very special men. Open your present under the tree to get things started’” Pierce chuckled to himself, followed by the sound of another drink being poured, chugged, then the glass set down.“What do you think it is?” Ollie’s voice edged closer. I held my breath, not wanting to make a sound and spoil the surprise.“Maybe Michael hired us a stripper for Christmas,” Pierce snorted, their foot falls stopped short in front of the box. “Ha! A stripper would be wasted on you, you wouldn’t know what to do with one.” I heard a lighter go off and a puff of sweet-smelling cigar smoke wafte
d in through the box. I felt the plume of smoke tickle my throat, and I almost coughed. But I held it together. “At least I wouldn’t bore her to sleep with that southern drawl of yours, spouting off about thoroughbred stallions and waistcoats at a slug’s pace.” Pierce snapped back, Ollie snickering at his comeback. “Oh? And I suppose they would love your Yankee droning about cars would really get their motor going, huh? At least talking about animals, I have a chance. Woman love animals” “Who knows? Maybe they’ll mistake you for a stray and take you home then!” Pierce guffawed loudly, Ollie groaned at him and I could picture him taking a sip, waving Pierce’s cold comment off. I rolled my eyes, that’s all I needed was for them to start bickering back and forth like usual at each other, especially when I wanted them to cooperate in having me as their Christmas gift. Their rivalry could stay on out in the business world, but I needed them to come together in order to fulfill my fantasy of both men filling me up. They were so much alike, Pierce and Ollie, even if they couldn’t see it. At last, I heard the whir of the box mechanisms as the ribbon was pulled, the box splaying out all around me, revealing the present inside- me. I popped up in my revealing, red lace ensemble, topped with a Santa hat, my brunette curls framing my dolled-up face. I looked like a Christmas pin up. I flashed a sexy little smile and winked at them.“Surprise boys!” I cheered, blowing them each a kiss. “I hope you like what Santa brought you.” I said in a deep, sultry voice stepping towards them. Both men’s jaws dropped as I was revealed to be the gift under the tree, the shock quickly turning quickly to lust filled gazes. Ollie and Pierce were both tall, rich and insanely hot. Both in their forties, they had seen the world, but they had never experienced a girl quite like me. And boy, how I wanted them to take the dive.They looked me up and down as I stood before them, their eyes traversing my curves covered in pretty red lace, very sheer and see through. I could feel my nipples, erect from my excitement, trying to burst through. It was easy to see how much they both wanted me, and I imagined how tight their pants must be getting. I was half hoping it would be straightforward, and they would both come at me, ravaging me until I screamed for more. However, as expected, there was a little hiccup in my ménage a trois scheme.Suddenly, Pierce took off his jacket and came barreling towards me, obviously very taken aback and upset. It was the exact reaction I was hoping to avoid, but if I did some quick thinking, maybe I could salvage the situation. I was so close to getting what I wanted, and like any Grace man or woman, I would do anything I could to get what I desired. The idea of being taken by both of these men at once already had my lacey panties wet. I had to make this happen.
“What on earth do you think you’re doing, Katerina?!” Pierce narrowed his eyes at me, handing me his suit jacket. “What the hell is all this? Cover yourself up young lady!” Ollie frowned and tsked at me, crossing his arms, also looking very perturbed at my gift. “You need to do what you are told right now and cover up!” Ollie spat. I grabbed the jacket from Pierce and threw in on the ground, Ollie letting out a shocked gasp as I did so. Pierce rolled his eyes and put his hand to his forehead, anxious rubbing at his brow. I stepped out of the box in my ruby red pumps and put a hand on Pierce’s shoulder and the other on Ollie’s chest. “Now, now boys,” I grinned, giving them my well practice sultry voice, “How is it you can act like this past week didn’t happen?” I looked to Pierce who seemed flabbergasted, “You and I in your office, me grinding into your lap while you passionately kissed me?” Pierce went to open his mouth, but no words would come. “And you,” I turned to Ollie, “Am I so forgettable that you’ve forgotten our little tryst in the car?” I pulled on his tie, getting really close to his face, our lips almost touching. “Because you know what? I haven’t. I haven’t forgot about either of you.” I let Ollie’s tie go, strutted over to the bar and poured myself a glass of Amaretto. It went down smooth as butter, and I would need a little liquid courage to get me through this awkward phase in this seduction. I set the glass down and walked back over to them. “I know both of you want me,” I whispered in Pierce’s ear, then turned to Ollie and leaned in. “And I am very certain that I want both of you too.”“Katerina, you are playing with fire here,” Pierce growled in a low tone, pointing a finger at me .“Oh yeah?” I growled back, my ruby red lips inches from Pierce’s “Well, I want to burn.” It was then I took Ollie’s hand in mine as I leaned in, pressing a kiss to Pierce’s lips. He groaned half out of frustration, half out of desire and hungrily kissed me back. I lightly bit his red stained lip pulling it a little as I turned to face Ollie.“Fuck!” Ollie cursed, and before I had the chance to kiss him, he already had me in his arms. His lips passionately ravishing mine, leaving me breathless. My dream was finally coming to fruition, and better than I could have ever dreamed. I snaked my hands around Ollie’s neck, continuing to kiss him, as Pierce came up behind me. Pierce pressed his body up against mine, and I could feel his member pulse against me through his pants as he kissed my neck. Their hands and mouths all over my body, I was in heaven, melting into the arms of the two men I had desired for so long. It was all coming together, and I was almost in disbelief. I started to unbutton Ollie’s shirt, nice and slow, a little striptease for myself to reveal his spectacularly cut figure. God, he was a vision. Every single inch of him a treat for my eyes to roam over and eat up. I let my gaze linger, let him know just how appreciative I was of him, before I turned and did the same to Pierce. He was different, of course, but just as delicious. I wanted to lick along his musculature. Trace all those patterns, dips and striations with my tongue until I had them memorized.
If I was a good girl, maybe they would let me.
Or if I was very…
…very bad.
They both threw their shirts to the side, and then I worked on each of their pants, taking my time, teasing them as I slipped the garments off. I could practically feel the tension building around us, their desire for me to go faster, to free of their expensive confines so they could do whatever they wanted to do to me. But I wanted them to squirm, just how I’d been squirming in that box.
Then came their underwear- Pierce wearing silky boxers and Ollie wearing something tighter, more fashionable, much to my surprise. I used my fingers to trail both their hip lines, reveling in the drag across their skin, sending them both into shudders before I yanked their underwear down. Both of them exposed, I felt goosebumps roll out in a trail along my skin, caught up in all the handsome, all the raw power right in front of me. It was really about to happen, and I could hardly contain my excitement.
Suddenly, Pierce picked me up and placed me on the bar. I looked at him surprised, but he smiled down at me reassuringly, his blue eyes entrancing me in his gaze.“If we are going to do this, we are going to do this right.” He whispered, wandering behind the bar, pulling my lingerie top off. His hands slid around me, massage my breasts and toying delicately with my nipples. His hands were so big! Even against my generous frame they seemed to dwarf me, handling me with such expertise.
“You wanted us to play, hmmm?” He licked my ear, and I let out a little moan as he worked me over. Through half-lidded eyes I watched as Ollie came closer, positioning himself in front of me.
“Well then, princess, let’s play.” Pierce softly chuckled, His words sending a shudder through me.
“Allow me, Miss.” Ollie winked as he parted my legs then slowly knelt, kissing his way up my thighs slowly until he got to my center, pulling my lacey panties off slowly with his teeth. Both Pierce and Ollie gasped as my full naked form lay before them, seeming to be in awe of my body. It was then things quickly set into motion. Pierce went up under my arm, using his mouth to lick one of my nipples as he massaged the other breast, worshiping me with his talented tongue. As for Ollie, his attention was wholly at my core, where he licked a long stripe up my center, groaning like he was a starving man finally being given sustenance. I groaned, letting my head fall back and that seemed to be his cue. Suddenly, he was pressing his face into me so firmly
I knew my wetness would be smeared across him from brow to chin and across his cheeks. God, that was hotter than it had any right to be!
“Fuck,” I whispered to myself, feeling like my senses were leaking right out of my ear. Ollie just let out a pleased sound, not even pausing in his efforts to eat me with such voracity it made my head spin. As his tongue flicked against me, coaxing me higher and higher into that sharp spike of pleasure, and Pierce kept playing with my breasts, I could no longer hold it in. I let out a huge gasp as I exploded, coming so hard I swore that I saw the next hundred years of mankind’s progress and tribulations.
Ollie finally pulled back from me for a moment, licking his lips like he’d just had something truly heavenly. And although I was pretty confident in myself, that still made me feel a certain was to see that from where he was positioned between my legs. And when I tilted my head back, Pierce looked ready for more. I tried to catch my breath, but it certainly took some effort. Daddy’s best friends had been the subjects of my late-night self-love sessions for years, and I finally had them both under my spell. Two sexy, muscular, billionaires that wanted to make me croon for them while they claimed me as theirs, and I couldn’t wait.
Pierce (Two Weeks Earlier)